Saturday, June 10, 2006

Untippable does NOT mean Unbreakable

Dear Auntie Leslie - Thank you SOOO much for thinking of me. I always get so excited whenever the pouch man comes. I hop inside before anyone can even open the courier bag, and I dig all over. I scratch the canvas SOOO hard that Mom says she thinks I'm trying to dig to China. But I have to look, don't I? I mean there MIGHT be something for me.
Oh goody! There IS something for me. And even a personal (ahem, Mom..I said "personal"?) note. (sigh) Here comes that camera again, but now you all can read for yourself.
Thank you for the thought. I mean, it IS the thought that counts, right? I guess one COULD consider this to be "untippable". I know one thing for sure. It won't hold enough water to make much of a mess, now, would it? hate to tell you, Auntie Leslie, but it's pretty much like the ones that Mom bought. I can even pick those up with my mouth and carry them around where ever I want. It sure tweaks her chain to know that I am.... SOOOPERDOG!! I can tip and carry anything. NOTHING CAN STOP ME!!! (hee hee hee)

Seriously thankfully yours,



Anonymous said...

Dear Auntie Leslie (via MM's blog)

You know, human babies have dishes with suction cups so they can't throw them off the high chair........maybe our dear MM could use one of those?

I think they are made of, er.. ahem....ah.....*unbreakable* plastic......

(oh dear)

.......Teddy in Hawaii
as dictated to Auntie Allie

Mary-Margaret O'Brien said...

Dear Teddy - Mom says that suction cups won't work on carpet like we have in our office, but maybe at home on the tile? She thinks I'll figure out how to break the suction, though. I think she's giving up, because all my water bowls are on the sink and I have to ASK if I want some. Well, except my blue one in our kitchen. That's on a matching blue mat, and I just haven't tried to tip that one....YET! I think I'm afraid that would end up on the sink, too. It's the ONLY one I have left that I don't have to ask for.

Love, Mary-Margaret