Thursday, June 15, 2006

Me 'n Dr. Verreault (6.6 pounds)

I just LOVE going to the doctor. Here's Megan, me and Dr. Verreault. I usually call her Dr. "V". She always takes the time to ask me how I've been, and to cuddle me and give me kisses before she gets down to business.
Yup. My heart is working just fine. She listens very carefully to make sure it's doing it's job.
And here, Dr. V is checking out my ears. Mom thought maybe I had some ear wax or something because I kept scratching. But my ears are just fine. I was just foolin' around (hee hee).

And then, when Dr. V decided I was really just fine and that I weigh SIX POINT SIX POUNDS, and I can play outside without being stuck on a leash now, she gave me nose drops. They tickle a bit, but they're to keep me from getting kennel cough from my friends at school. Not that they have it, but just to be safe.

Did I tell you that she's getting married pretty soon? Oh my goodness, she has the most beautiful ring that her boyfriend gave her when they went on a cruise. OH OH OH...and don't let me forget to tell you. Amy got married, too. She's now a MRS. They got married on a houseboat at Lake Powell and it was so beautiful outside. Clear blue skies and not a soul around except for the wedding party. My invitation got lost in the mail, but Amy showed me the pictures as I was going out to Puppy School.

See you in a minute...


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