Thursday, June 29, 2006

PS: I HATE Cats!

They are absolutely so RUDE! Yuck. Ptooey. Blegh!

I tell YOUUUU, I'm just sitting by the window enjoying the end of the day, watching the sunlight disappear, when this cat comes by. A brown/grey/white (Mom says it's a tabby) thing just strutting on by the window with his tail waving in the air like a Yankees pennant at a ball game. I bark. It glances at me briefly, sticks it's nose in the air, and doesn't miss a step.

Next thing, a white and caramel colored ALSO VERY RUDE cat starts to walk by the window following this tabby thing. Only this one STOPS and just stares at me. Like,'ve never seen a Yorkie before? Well, woo hoo, and get used to it. I LIVE here and you are most NOT welcome in my yard. It turns it's back on me and keeps on going.

Then...and you'd think that would be the end of it, wouldn't you? But comes Mr. Midnight, black as coal, and just as RUDE and arrogant as the others. Only good thing about this one is that IT STOPPED...LOOKED right AT me..and actually turned around and ran back where it came from.

I mean, what are we? A short cut, maybe? A freeway for vagrant felines? Do we look like a giant litter box? Ohhhhhh...if Mom would just let me out. Just for a minute, I'd show those nasty cats a thing or two. I bet you I'd remind them of my Aunt Rose and run them right off our property. And they'd NEVER come back.

But Mom says they're bigger 'n me and she won't let me guard our yard. Not a bit. Says she doesn't want anything to happen to me. I tell you, I CAN take care of myself, and my mom, too!! I can be a guard dog just as good as...ok, well Turbo or any of the Husky crowd, or a Collie or.....! Well, I would.


Mary-Margaret "CAT-astrophe" O'Brien


Opy - the Original GruffPuppy said...

Cats are stupid and lazy !

H.A. Turbofire, Sibertarian said...

See my blog report on Watch Dogs...

Mary-Margaret O'Brien said...

Oh, Tubey. You and your naked stories. Tsk. I tell YOUUU, though, those cats were as nekkid as jaybirds. Yes, they were. Uh huh uh huh!!