Sunday, June 11, 2006

I got the Bloooooooooos....

....I got the Sunday-Workin' day Bloo-hoo-hoo-hoooos! Yeah, Mom's at work again and I tell YOU. This is one heck of a way to spend the weekend. The only good thing is that we get to come in later tomorrow so I can sleep in. Oh yes. And we got to babysit "Little Foot", the next door attorney's chihuahua, while the storage closet got cleaned. "Little Foot" is the most shy dog I have ever met in my life. But I'm working on getting him out of that. I even got him to play for a bit, and we shared biscuits and Charlee Bears.

This is my Grandma's favorite picture of me. She says my hair is SO neat and my eyes are as bright as a new penny. I just love my Grandma everly so much. My GrandPapa, too. They live a long way away or I'd see them a lot more.

So far my blog is ahead in the voting. I don't know just how long the voting goes on for, though. Anything could happen. You know what makes me the happiest? Is that my Yorkie friends have voted for me. Like, I just never thought about what a statement all of us little Yorkies can make if we band together. But I guess that's what Democracy is all about. We are DOERS. But it IS Sunday. Maybe the Husky guys are just sittin' around watching Animal Planet or something. We shouldn't take anything for granted.

Puppy School yesterday. Dolly, my Yorkie friend was back with her summer haircut. Between the two of us, we managed to wear out Mia, the German Shepherd. (hee hee). There were two new little kids there, too. "Reese" (as in Witherspoon), a Cairn terrier and "Sam", a Golden Lab. Reese is only 3 months old and Sam is 8 1/2 weeks. I am very serious in my job as Teacher's Aide and about the only time I put my paw down was when Reese chomped down on my tail and wouldn't let go. I tell YOU, she held on like a vise. Took me a while to shake her loose. Sam and Reese eventually took off and did some rasslin', while Dolly and me did a lot of racing. Just so you all don't get confused, there is Dolly the Yorkie and Dolly the Oripei. They're both good friends of mine. So far, I am the ONLY...ta daaaa...MARY-MARGARET!!

Love to everyone...


1 comment:

Jojo said...

hiya! thanks for dropping by my blog. I'm very impress by your blog. You have an interesting blog too! Well done! I just enjoy reading your life stories.. ;)