Friday, May 19, 2006

English is becoming my primary..

..language, at last. I can understand some of what Mom says. Like, for example, she had to go out on a "serve" so she said (in hushed tones) "Sonia? Would you mind babysitting for a bit"? I heard "baby sitting" and I just knew what was next. So I ran over to the door, with my leash, and sat right there. No one goes ANYWHERE with out me. Uh uh!!

Mom doesn't mind, really, unless it's warm out. Then she doesn't like to leave me in the car and I get to go serve papers with her too. I like that part. I am always very polite and people are very nice to me. I think I help Mom in her job. I guess she thinks so, too, 'cause she says "Nice job, Mary-Margaret!!". And she rubs my ears just where I like it.

We went home early today. Mom says her head was fuzzy and she really needed to take a rest. She hasn't really had a day off for maybe eight days straight, and the one day she did take she spent on the freeway taking me to visit my Grandma and GrandPapa. It wasn't like she got much rest at all. And then before that, she said she couldn't remember the last day she got to herself. She says it's ok, though. When you have your own business, you may be your own boss in one sense, but you actually answer to all of your clients, so it's like having hundreds of bosses instead of one. She wouldn't have it any other way, either.

I'm just glad to be there for her to cuddle and hug when she gets stressed. Today I was very good..except for the kibbles on the carpet. I don't know what's the matter with me, but I just can't help myself. Later, I even talked Mom into staying outside and just watching the birds and feeling the breeze on her face and smelling the flowers. Worked for me, anyway. I think she enjoyed the moment, too.

Tomorrow, we go out in the field again, and Sunday we do bank statements. At least we always have a reason to get up in the morning. That's a plus.

Love, Mary-Margaret


Anonymous said...

Dear Mary-Margaret,

I think you need to make sure your Mom takes more time to rest a little. It's very important you know. My Mum says she was always a work-a-holic when she was able to work and Dad certainly is. It's a personality trait I believe.

Sitting outside and enjoying the flowers is great isn't it? I'm trying to convince Mum to buy some pots and plant some flowers around our deck, I think it would look great don't you think?

I love summer so much. Mum takes me for much longer walks and I agree with you there are so many wonderful smells. She's pretty good about stopping for me for the most part. I have to leave my mark of course for all the other dogs (you know what I mean) and the only problem is that after a while it's gets a little difficult. I think I should have a big drink before we leave the house! Maybe I'll ask Mum to bring a water bottle from now on. You make it sound so much nicer than a water bowl.

I must tell you about our moonlight walk last night. Mum and Dad watched a movie until about 9 pm in our family room. I was very relaxed, chewing my bone for a while and then just snuggling up with them. When the movie was over, I was quite excited because I thought we would go and watch some TV upstairs. That means 2 things, first I get to spend some quality time with Mum and Dad on their bed, and second I get some Charlee Bears and a chicken tender (which are really yummy). To my dismay, Mum decided that we should all go for a little walk first. At 9pm? What was she thinking? I had already had a walk - and really one is enough. Well Dad said yes and off we went. I have to admit, once we left the house it was quite exciting. I had never been for a walk in the dark before. Everything smelled so much better somehow. Anyway halfway around the block, I decided I would show Mum and I did some serious business, you know the kind that would require her to clean up after me? Ha-ha I thought, now how are you going to find THAT in the dark! Well she tried, there she was gropping around the grass saying to Dad "I can't find it, I thought I kept my eyes on it". It was quite amusing, Dad and I were laughing really hard. I wonder if she'll be too eager to go on a moonlight walk again so soon, what do you think? I'll keep you posted.


Mary-Margaret O'Brien said...

Oh, GOOD one, Sarabi. Right on. (hee hee hee) That's what makes being a pup so much fun, I think. People have all these rules about what to do and where to do it. We just say "Whateverrrrr!" and let our folks figure it out. I mean, like...if you dropped it on a lawn or something, that's clean up time. But if you managed to wriggle under an ivy leaf or a juniper, no one would find it anyway. Right?

What do you want to bet that your mum gets a little tiny Mag lite for your next walk? OH....wouldn't that be an idea? A combination flashlight and roll of baggies on a lanyard to put around our mom's necks. We'd be absolutely famous, don't you think? Maybe we should patent it. Just think. Sarabi and Mary-Margaret present....."The Baglite". (hee hee hee)

Love, Mary-Margaret