Thursday, October 12, 2006

Me and Mr. Attorney from Fallbrook

One of our clients came to visit me today. He's so silly. First, he talks about me as if I'm not even there. And THEN he starts talking what HE thinks is dog language to me. I kept looking at him, cocking my head from one side to the other, and HE thought I was egging him on. Honestly. Do I look stupid or something? But he kept it up so when I could finally get a word in edgewise, I told him how silly he sounded and to please speak English to me. Unfortunately, it came out sort of like "wuuuuuuuurrrrr....wrrf...eeerrrrr??". But I think he might have got the idea. He was the client of ours who took us to lunch when I was just a baby and went and got my stuffed ferret from the restaurant when I forgot it. He's really very nice, just totally silly.

Anyway, that was pretty much my day. Mom's going to a conference tomorrow and I get to go stay with my pals at PMC (Pet Medical Center). Margie will be here at the house taking care of stuff, and Sonia will be in the office. So it'll hardly be like she's even gone. I'm a big girl now. I ..(sniff)... (wwwaaaah!) all by myself (BAAAAWWWLLLL) ...(sniff). Don't worry about me. I'll be (snuffle) just FINE!!! REALLY I will!

(wiping tear away)

Love, Mary-M..m...Margaret


MJ's doghouse said...

adults are so silly when they try to talk like silly....dont they know whe understand them perfectly....just because we dont listen....doenst mean we dont just means we dont really care what they are saying....

Anonymous said...

oh pretty girl, no tears! Your mama will be back before you know it and think of all the loving and treats you will get from the nice people at the PMC! If we were closer you could have come and played with us all day. Love you pretty friend......

Simon and Hallie