Friday, September 01, 2006

Happy Labor Day Weekend

I think I'm going to really enjoy spending THREE whole days with Mom. Just doing nothing except maybe planting some flowers and chasing some cats. Mom does the flowers, I do the cats. It works out best that way.

My bed and blankie are STILL on the floor in the dining room. I have had to "camp out" at the office, and find just any place to curl up so I won't get stepped on. Usually under the desk is good, or under the client chairs. I wish that Mom would remember my stuff. Sheesh!

Today, a client came in and Mom was as busy as a one-armed paper hanger. I REEEEAAAALLY had to go out. So the client took MEEEE for a walk while Mom did some rush stuff for her. Honestly? All I wanted to do was go out and sniff the air. I like to do that. You learn a lot just by quietly sniffing. So I didn't potty, big deal! Between you and me I already had on my piddle pad in the work room, so I made good use of my extra time by sniffing.

I snore. And loud, too. Is that normal for a small 6.5 pound Yorkie? Mom says I sound like a grizzly bear in hibernation. Now if I just knew what a grizzly was and why it was bare maybe I could figure out what she's talking about. Humans have too many words.

Hawaiians only have 13 letters in their alphabet: A, E, I, O, U, H, K, L, M, N, P, W, and the "'". So that's like half the letters, so maybe half the words? I don't think they can spell "dog" so I'm an "'Ilio" instead. "Aloha" means hello and goodbye, and "mahalo" means thank you. My favorite word is "'Aina ahiahi " or dinner. I wouldn't mind being Hawaiian. You know they have never had rabies in Hawaii? Probably wouldn't have fleas either if the rats didn't come over on the ships, but they did, so now Hawaii has lots of mongooses too.

Mongooses is another "stupid human trick". Some mental midget brought the mongooses over to control the rat population, but the rats are nocturnal and the mongooses are diurnal. So I guess the only time they saw each other was when they were punching in or out at the timeclock. They both live happily in the Islands.

So much to learn. So many languages to learn it in. If you ask me, it's just easier to bark, ya know? You get your point across and it's the same in every language. Really, it is!! Er.....Mom says I'm talking too much again. I'd bettery sign off for now.

Love and kisses,


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