Sunday, April 23, 2006

Me and Toilet Paper

You all know I have my own bathroom, but sometimes I use Mom's. It's ok. There are "piddle pads" for me in both of them. I'm absolutely very good about using the bathroom (or the "powder room", if you will). Tonight, I thought I'd be everly so thorough after using my piddle pad and I noticed the toilet paper just hanging there. Don't most ladies use toilet paper? I mean I figure I should too? Like it was a sign I should finish the job off. So I grabbed just a corner of it, and darned if it just didn't keep coming? Will this thing EVER stop? So finally, I set it free and forgot what I needed it for, and shredded it ever so thoroughly right by the toilet. In a neat little pile.

Mission complete. Now I'm tired out and ready for bed. Oh, and I got scowled at. That's what Mom does when she's trying hard not to laugh and she knows I should get yelled at but she stifles it. I can handle a "scowl" now and then.

Niters, y'all..

Love, Mary-Margaret

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