Wednesday, April 26, 2006

For Tuesday - 4/25/06

Dear Diary - I'm so sorry I missed writing in you yesterday. It was a crazy day and I just wanted to have my dinner and go to bed early. As sidekick to a process server, my life is never dull. One minute I can be having a little snooze in my office bed, and the next minute I'm on the freeway in rush hour traffic trying to serve a subpoena before the close of business. I just hunker down in my car seat and hang on tight for dear life. It's very exhausting, you know.

Have a good day. I'll try to write later. And about me wearing the bra? Mom says she's glad she didn't have a camera handy, as that picture might have proved embarrassing to her. "To her"? What about MEEEE?

Love, Mary-Margaret

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