Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Congratulations to MEEEEE!

Mrs. Lillard is another one of my most favorite clients. Every time she comes by our office she pretty much just ignores Mom and plays with me. I do a lot of kissing and cuddling with Mrs. Lillard. She has a really handsome collie dog and grown kids, so she really needs someone like MEEEE to cuddle with. She's everly so nice to me.

Auntie Leslie sent me a congratulations card. Here's me sitting at my computer reading it.

Here's the link if you want to go see it yourself. It's absolutely the nicest card I've gotten for getting my DIPLOMA! (ahem?)'s the only card I've gotten, but still.....! I know you'll like it too!

Love, Mary-Margaret O'Brien, PhD*

*Pretty happy Dog!

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