Tuesday, April 04, 2006

The Good News and the Bad News

OK. First, the good news. My Auntie Leslie missed me so much she sent me a present in the pouch again. Mom is so funny. She says "Oh, look, Mary-Margaret. It's for YOUUUU!" (as if I didn't know my own name by now). I can READ it, you know. So she opens the envelope and here's another envelope inside. And she opens that one, too. Then, finally, she gives me the package of TWO little yellow tennis balls JUST MY SIZE. And she lets me try to open that for about a half hour before she finally offers to help. I am absolutely in heaven and I love my balls. One skittered under the file cabinet and Mom found one of my old yellow balls, but I was having none of that. Then she finds a rubber ball, but nope. Uh uh....not that one. I wanted the one Auntie Leslie sent. So Mom gets down on her hands and knees and coaxes my NEW ball out with a carpenter's level. I have to admit it was pretty funny but I kept a straight face. She does try hard to please me and I know I'm very lucky to have her.

Now, the bad news. It's official. I'm to have my "little surgery" on Friday. No food or water after 9:00PM on Thursday. And I have to spend the night in the hospital, but I can go home Saturday. Dr. V says I will have some baby teeth pulled while I'm out, too. Mom's trying to make me feel better about this by telling me when she had her tonsils out. I mean, as if that's even the same. But Sarabi said she got lots of loving and kisses and it wasn't so bad, so maybe I'm just a bit nervous for nothing. She also suggested I ask for egg and cheese Charlee Bears, too.

I don't know my "room" number yet, but I'll be at Pet Medical Center in Temecula, CA. Just in case you want to drop by and visit or something. Or call to inquire as to my health. Surely there must be visiting hours, wouldn't you think? I wonder if I'll get new pajamas for this. I'll keep you posted.

Love, Mary-Margaret

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