Sunday, April 16, 2006

How does Mom KNOW??

I just had a bath. Finally. My first one since my "little surgery". feels so good. Then Mom brushed my hair, put in a barrette and said "You stay clean, Mary-Margaret. We have to go to the office!". Ok, I figure, I'll slip in a few moments of snuffling seed and feathers on the floor around the bird cage while she's drying her hair. She'll never know. HAH!!!

The minute I walked up to her, she said "Mary-Margaret!!! I told you to keep clean!", and then grabbed the camera. I mean, like she wants it for evidence or something. But still. I'd like to find out. How did she KNOW???

Any thoughts would be appreciated.

Love and Happy Easter -


PS: I wasn't going to mention this, but there were absolutely no eggs left by the Easter Bunny last night. I didn't want Mom to be disappointed, so I left her little tokens of my affection all over the living room and entry way. Well, they LOOKED like chocolate eggs to me, but instead of saying "Thank you, Mary-Margaret", she goes and glares at me and starts picking them up with toilet paper. So much for the holiday spirit. I guess I won't do that again. (sigh)


Anonymous said...

Dear Mary-Margaret - Maybe it's that feather stuck to your nose?

Love, Mom

Anonymous said...


love MM

Anonymous said...

what a cutie

Anonymous said...

what a cutie