Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Zen Parrotism

I can't help myself. I just keep trying new things. This picture is of me sitting on Mom's shoulder while she's reading her email. First, I jump on her lap, then I start climbing. I probably coulda sat on her head if she hadn't lifted me off. Parrots do this all the time. I don't see why I can't.

Mom took me to see Dr. V again. I abso-bloomin'-LUTELY love that place. Dr. V told Mom that I was fine. Maybe I was just being a wild and crazy teenager and not to worry. Then she gave Mom a long talk about puppy behavior. Mom felt kind of embarrassed that she worries about me so much and asked Dr. V what she thought. Dr. V told Mom, very tactfully, that if I ever were to get sick that she's sure my mom would have me there within the hour. Mom sort of laughed that funny little laugh (you know, like she does when she's feeling uncomfortable?). She asked Dr. V "Is that your nice way of telling me that I'm an over-protective mother?". And Dr V kinda said "Well...yes". They were talking something about "crate", too. Mom asked what size to get. Should I worry?

They also talked about when I should get an operation. I don't want to know about that, though. Mom told Dr. V how I got so hysterical about being left at Miss Patty's place. Instead of sticking up for ME, Mary-Margaret O'Brien, Dr. V thought Mom should leave me alone at home for a bit. Or even all day. I don't know if I could make it more than an hour or two. I mean, like ....uh....we've never been apart long except for last Friday, and you KNOW how that upset me. And I got weighed. 5.2 pounds now. That's a big FIVE POINT TWO. Yee haw!!!

Back to MY day now. So, to make up for it all, I was just the perfect pup today. Except for throwing my kibbles into the air and letting them rain down all over the reception room and my office, I did everything I was supposed to. And that includes the "out" thing. Oh...ok, I did run into the Allstate Insurance office twice, but those ladies are really fun. Especially the one with the dancing frog on her desk.

Time for me to get some sleep.

G'night and God Bless ...


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