Monday, February 20, 2006

Sprinklers are MOST Fascinating!

We have "rain birds" in the back yard. I can't figure out how they always know where I'm going to be. I sneak up on them from behind and then rush around before they see me. Always ALWAYS they catch me before I catch them. Ever since that time I got nailed by a "pop-up" sprinkler, I've been on a quest to prevail.

Here, Mom took a picture of me after my "Close Encounter of the Wet Kind" tonight. I'm racing all over the house just playing tag with myself and shaking water off and she hollered, "Mary-Margaret, Look at Mom!". I knew there was a camera right there. I've learned about that tone in her voice. Anyway, see my kind of damp and stringy hair? You wouldn't want YOUR picture taken looking like that either, would you?

Going to sit in front of heater and dry off now. Then we have to watch "The Bachelor - Paris". It's getting to the part where all the ladies talk about their "real feelings" and "open up", whatever that means. Personally, I think it's easier to "arf" when you feel like it. And if one of those mean, nasty girls treated me like they do Moana and Susan, I'd probably nip their ankles or something worse. My life is so uncomplicated. Sometimes, I think Mom is a little jealous of me. :o)

Love, Mary-Margaret

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