Friday, July 28, 2006

July 28, 2006 - Friday

Nothing to say, Dear Diary. The usual stuff. I met a lot of new people, and I have decided that I like "people puppies" absolutely so much. They're about my size, cute, and we just talk and play and they don't try to boss me. And they're soft and they smell really good.

I got babysat again while Mom went to the dentist AGAIN. She doesn't want to discuss it, she says. I think she's getting annoyed. Something about her "temporaries keep coming unglued". Debbie across the hall played with me while I was there. She's pretty cool with us pups, and even lets us on her desk. We play a "catch the finger" game. We have a good time with that.

Margie helped Mom out a lot today. And when Mom had to go up to her doctor's office, Margie even baby sat me. I think I'm starting to get to her, because she's everly so nice to me. She even takes me on little walks. She was a really big help, I know.

OK..time for bed now. G'night and God bless everyone.

Love Mary-Margaret

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