Thursday, July 13, 2006

Another day, another biscuit

I think I'm getting a promotion. I'm better than the Artful Dodger and Fingers Fagin at picking pockets and purses. After several failed attempts and having fingers wagged at me, I finally managed to get a pen out of the bottom of a client's purse. She thought I became awfully quiet and when she bent over to see what I was doing she told on me. By that time, I'd destroyed the red plastic cap of the pen and I was making little plastic spit balls out of it. When Mom asked if she wanted the rest of it back, the lady laughed and said "No, thanks!". Mom said she's thinking of promoting me to Head Procurer in Office Supplies. :o)

Mom worked late tonight so I entertained myself by going on "search and destroy" missions. That entails quietly pulling things out of the wastebasket and sneaking them under desks so they can be shredded at my leisure. Napkins, diet bar wrappers, envelopes. You name it, I shredded it.

Oh yeah, and my other blue barrette? Came back to me in the courier pouch today. Those pouch people are pretty good, actually. I even got the remainder of a rawhide chewy back after a week or so gone missing a while back. How do they KNOW where to send them if there's no E-050 pouch number written on them?? Hmmmmmm?

OK..bed time. G'night all.

Love, Mary-Margaret

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