After the Dentist today, she picked me up from home and we went to work. Ho hum. But in a bit I heard a familiar voice. It got closer. It sounded like Miss Letty, my very first and best ever HUMAN friend. I barked...I yipped...I just couldn't contain myself. Oh can it beeeeee? YES YES YES!! It's MISS LETTY. Oh, my heart be still.
She and Linda came in and talked business for a bit. I sat pretty quietly by Miss Letty's feet, but after a while it's was like "HEY!!! You came to see MEEEEE, remember?". So Linda left, and Miss Letty picked me up and I gave her the biggest cuddles ever. And kisses anywhere I could reach. I nuzzled her neck. Oh, I was in absolute heaven. And THEN she spied my bag of Charlee Bears. And my Yogurt Drops. She hand fed me and I took every one she gave me until I thought I'd pop.
So then we went "downstairs", which means I had to go potty in my special place. I was everly so good for Miss Letty. I could tell she was very impressed. Mom and Letty hugged good-bye and I got some kisses and hugs, too (except I needed some toilet tissue so my rear end was kept at a distance until Mom could hold it under running water...dingleberries, you know...but I digress, as usual!). I am going to miss her so very much when she moves to Oregon. But Dr. Hill and Miss Letty are opening another Pet Medical Center in Klamath Falls, so maybe I can talk Mom into taking me there for my shots and stuff. Ewww...shots...! What am I thinking? But it might be worth it to see Miss Letty again. I'll take that thought under submission.
If you read this, Miss Letty, here's another "slurp" from meeeee...Mary-Margaret O'Brien. Just remember that I will ALWAYS and FOREVER love you. Really, I will!!