Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Orange is NOT my color!!

(double click on photos to enlarge)

All day long I'm getting stuff like "Oh, is she getting bigger?" and "My how she's grown!". Like I'm NOT any bigger or fatter or anything. It's this PUMPKIN colored shirt, I tell you. That, and I really need a hair cut. It's just fluff. I'm not an ORANGE person. Maybe next year I can be a ghost or something. Sheesh!

Here's me all freshly brushed and dressed up. The hat is a bit much but I'll grit my teeth and try to stay neat for a while to keep my Mom happy.

Gianna heard I was here in costume and she wanted to come play with me. Which is fine. Actually, more than fine. We visited for long time (in dog years) and I got cuddled a lot. Gianna is four and one of my very best friends. She's a pirate. You know why? Aw...sure you do! OK's a "Johnny Depp" thing. She's a big fan of his and wanted to be a pirate just like "Johnny Depp".
Ding dong...the hat is GONE. You can tell by the look on my face I'm glad to be rid of it.(Yes, I AM sticking my tongue out, but Gianna can't see me! I didn't want to seem rude!)
Oh crud. The hat is coming back at me. Gianna has decided that I'm supposed to wear the hat. I will let her put it back on. But I tell you, the minute she's gone it comes back off.
One of my most favorite people is Miss Cathleen. No tummy lotion today but I got lots of cuddles from Gina and Crystal, two of Miss Cathleen's clients. Crystal does make up on the pretend dead people at the Temecula Haunted House. I wish I could go. It really sounds like fun.
Good way to end a fun day, dontcha think? Getting a belly rub and falling asleep in Mary-Ann's lap. Ahhhh yes. She knows what a puppy likes.

Hope you all had a great Halloween. I sure did.

Love ya....



the Corgi Girls said...

You look like you had fun!

M & I

Sophie Brador said...

MM, I'm with you on the orange thing. Well, the whole costume thing really. Although, if it gets me some attention, I might be willing to give in for a few minutes. But I think I would be able to cope with the hat a bit better than the shirt. Either way, you look great! Oh, and tell your young friend that my mom once met Johnny Depp at a party in LA a million centuries ago. She says he's not much bigger than Gianna, so she could probably put hats on him too. :-)


H.A. Turbofire, Sibertarian said...

I look really stupid in orange!

But you always look cute!

Lizzy said...

I think you look great in orange! Actually, you look great in anything.


Urban Smoothie Read said...

actually i love ur outfit...u looks like a cute pumpkin pump to me...

feel like giving u a cuddle...

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Oh you make such a cute pumpkin. :)

~ Girl girl

Putz said...

we have a hearing service dog with an orange do not pet sign coat that backfires, because people see the orange coat and ask if it would be alright to pet it, so everyone ends up petting it