Sunday, October 21, 2007

Twinky, Furball and Pixie

Mom took me to Auntie Lynda's place today to meet some friends and have a play date. Ohhhh.....and we all hit it off right away, especially Twinky and MEEEEE. Twinky was named, because she's half dachsund and half chihuahua, so she's got a really long body, sort of golden on top with a white belly. Get it? Yup....she looks like a Twinky. We played hide and seek, and chase, and even told some secrets under the coffee table. Shhhhh!

Furball is so cute. She's all grey and elegantly groomed and she wears Pampers because she's an elderly woman and has little accidents. Mom says she's like a doggie version of "Aunt Clara" (I have NOOOO idea what she's talking about but she says you will). Other than that she's very fine, thank you. Pixie is also pretty old and she lives in the Senior Center of the house, which is back in the laundry room with lots of soft sherpa beds.

Here's what bugs me. Mom went to all the trouble of finding the camera, charging the battery and putting it in her purse so she could take pictures of my new friends. See, today was like open house at camp where we all got to meet each other and get a tour of the place. Anyway, it's really neat, with lots of soft, comfy furniture that I am allowed upon. And there are children sometimes. Macy and Caden, Auntie Lynda's grand kids. And they have pups. Roxie and ...oh rats. I forgot, but he's really young and needs a mentor. (ahem? I volunteer?)

I might miss Mom a little when she goes away with Auntie C, but trust me on this. The thought of getting my own piece of cheese AND a half of a turkey weenie every morning just for doing my business first thing is my idea of HEAVEN. Yup. That's what Auntie Lynda gives all the babies (she means pups, but she calls us babies) in the morning. I can hardly wait.

This whole thing might not be too bad, you know? Twinky, Furball and Pixie sleep together in the Senior Center. But Auntie Lynda told MEEE that I can sleep with HER and her hubby in their bed. That makes me feel really special, you know? I just love her so much. YEAH!!

Love, Mary-Margaret

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