Saturday, October 13, 2007

OHMYGAWSH! I've been TAGGED!, Sparky (my MAN!). He tagged me and I have to tell EIGHT random facts about myself.

Here's the rules:
1. Link to your tagger and post these rules.
2. List eight (8) random facts about yourself.
3. Tag eight people at the end of your post and list their names (linking to them).
4. Let them know they’ve been tagged by leaving them a comment on their blogs. I even know eight facts? Hmmmmmm......let's see.

1) I like to snoozle with my mom and she wakes up with me cuddled right into her back. And I get squeaky tummy kisses that tickle everly so much before I get out of bed.
2) Playing tag is fun, even if I'm the only one playing. I run really fast and come to a screeching halt, then turn around and run the other way. I always win, too.
3) Kibbles don't get eaten by me unless they're mixed with fresh roasted chicken chopped up in tiny bits. Then I will eat them.
4) Oh oh....I know. I snore. Number four is that I SNORE. Really loud, and last night I even scared my mom because it was so loud she said it sounded like a bear. (hee hee hee)
5) Dresses are ok to wear as long as they aren't all frou frou, but I really prefer T-shirts.
6) My very first internet pal is named Sarabi and she is a Shih-Tzu and she lives in Illinois.
7) I don't mind being filmed, but I hate it when the "paparazzo" (you know who I mean) doesn't know when to quit. Then I just make faces or turn my back on her.
8) Even though I talk about chasing cats, I really like them and just want to play. Except I don't like it when they use MY planter for a litter box. Nope. Then they are not my friends.

OK...time for me to tag someone. I think.....I!!! I tag LUCIE in Venezuela, Pochaco and Toto in Mexico, Laura,
Freda, Turbo, Pacco de Mongrel, Sophie Brador, and last but not least, Simon and Hallie, my good friends from New York.

OK, everydoggy, your turn!!

That was fun.

Love, Mary-Margaret "The IT Girl" O'Brien


Anonymous said...

So very cute. I love small dogs and people who are in love with small dogs. Little ones rule the world.

Sophie Brador said...

Hey Mary-Margaret, I snore too. My mom says every doggie snores and she thinks it's cute. I try to snore as much as possible.


Lorenza said...

Hi, Mary-Margaret
Thanks for sharing all those facts about you.
I love my dresses only because I wear them when I go out for walkies! At home, au natural is the best!
Have a good night

Urban Smoothie Read said...

thanks for d tag

H.A. Turbofire, Sibertarian said...

Woo, M2 hyphen O apostrophe B!

Thanks for tagging me. I'll be doing my 8 soon.

Joanie said...

Mary Margaret, you just make our day. We love reading your posts!

Sissy, Sammy & JoanieMac

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Hey Mary Margaret? You snore?? I dont believe that.. You're too cute

~ Girl girl

Freda said...

Hey M-Ms,

Thanks for the tags. I've got ∆≈ helpin' me with 1,2 1,2 8 thingys abouts me.

You've gots some cooools stuffs on your 1,2 1,2 eights.

I don't know if I snores coz I'm up all darks listenin' to ∆≈ snorin'. Arf! Arfs!
