"Mary-Margaret? WHERE ARE you??" I get that a lot. Sometimes I just wanna have fun, you know? So after trudging downstairs THREE times to see if the mail is there...ok ok...so I took the elevator .... The point is, it gets old. Mom says "You want to come check the mail again"? Hmmmph...like...as IF!

She saw my leash laying on the floor but nothing moved. She kept calling and calling. (hehehehehehehehe...I'm having trouble keeping from laughing out loud....shhhhhh!) I stayed as quiet as a bug. Finally she freaks and thinks maybe I'm passed out cold or something. She's part right. I AM cold (She likes the a/c on!) but I'm also playing a game. Seee???
Ahhhh....the little pleasures of life. Getting comfy and playing Hide 'n' Seek. I tell YOUUUU! I didn't move a muscle until maybe five minutes later when I heard the office door open for real. "Wait for MEEEEEE!", I said. We got a good laugh out of that.
Love, Mary-Margaret
Ha ha ha! I like to play Hide-and-seek with my humans too. It's super fun!
woofies Mary-Margaret!!! lol how long wood u have hid if ur mom hadnt openeded the door...i likes ur games, i does it too sometimes...
b safe,
Woof! Thanks for having your Dogster badge up on your page! Woof! You're one cute pup...
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