Thursday, July 26, 2007


Guess who was waiting for me at the office? Oh, I was so happy to finally see him again. Dirk! Dirk! DIRK!!! (and his mom, of course. We're friends too, and Dirk relies on her for transportation, you know!) We nuzzled a bit and then he strutted his stuff for me. Men can be such show-offs. To be polite, I sniffed EVERY bush that he squirted for me which almost made me late for work.
Dirk and his mom were nice enough to walk me upstairs to my office. We got in some more visiting and then we sort of both hung back in the hallway, not wanting to say good-bye to each other. But a puppy's job is never done and I have my clients to think about.


Au revoir, Dirk, mon amour.


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