First off, we wake up and I get tummy kisses. I guess I got carried away and accidently, in my enthusiasm, put my tongue in Mom's mouth. I'm sure she didn't mean to hurt my feelings, but next thing you know I'm getting a shower and my teeth got brushed really good. Yup. Molars and all. Thank goodness for poultry flavored toothpaste.
Then we go to the bank, then the office. I start with a preliminary nap, working up to my more serious MORNING nap. About 1:00PM I get to go back out but no time to visit my patch of plants. We're late for an appointment. Miss Cathleen is running a bit behind but there's a kid there to play with while I'm waiting. Then I get my tummy and paws lotioned, and then out comes my special bowl of water. Later on, Miss Cathleen takes me for my customary run.
Afterwards, it's "rush rush" back to the office, get stuff ready to mail, answer the phones (I might note that my mom is starting to talk to the office machines, in particular to the telephone telling it the "BE QUIET!", but machines can't talk...Silly Woman!). We go to the post office (I wait in the car), and go tape some papers on someones door.

Next, we go the market where I flirt shamelessly with the box boys, my most favorite part of the day. Nice thing is, they flirt back and tell me I'm beautiful. What girl wouldn't fall in love, I ask you?
We're busy, and I'm told that's good. I think maybe too busy a little bit, though, because of the talking to machines part. She does that when she gets overloaded. I stay out of the way and stick to my office bed unless I really need to go visit the planter box. I get to go usually around noon and again maybe at 3 or 4, so I don't ask unless I'm pretty desperate.
We're going to Minnesota in December and I'm meeting more cousins. This should be pretty interesting. They have a ....{{{shiver}}}....CAT!! A really BIG BIG cat. I hope it doesn't mind having company for a couple of days.
OK...that's it for today. Just wanted to keep my Grandma posted. I got to listen to her voice on the speaker phone today and I gave her some kisses..."long distance" kisses, that is. I hope we get to go visit her and GrandPapa soon. Mom? You listening?
Oh..hee Mom watered the back lawn today because it was getting sort of brown. Do I have to tell you what I did? Hmmmmmm? Yeah...little wet puppy prints all over the place. And as soon as I come back in I hop in Mom's lap. She curled her lip at me and snarled, "You're all WET, Mary-Margaret", but that's all. Like...isn't that the whole point? (hehehe)
Love, Mary-Margaret