Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Christmas at Uncle Rudy's Place

I love to open my own presents. Would you believe that my Uncle Jason and Auntie C thought Mom was exaggerating when she said I did it myself? Well, I guess they know now. I can open just about anything without any help at all. Really, I can.
These are my cousins, Clancy and Cailin. They are everly so much bigger than they were last year. And I was a whole lot smaller then, too. I just love them absolutely SOOOOO much.

My Auntie C worked really hard making dinner. I had ham and kibble. I tell YOUUUUU. That is some fine Christmas dinner. And then the humans had pumpkin pie with whipped cream. I had a little whipped cream, but that was enough. Just a taste is fine. I'm watching my waistline, you know. I don't think I should weigh more than 7.5 pounds, and neither does Dr. V.

All in all, I had a really good Christmas. I hope you all did, too.

Love, Mary-Margaret


Freda said...

Hey Mary-Margaret,

Bet your mom doesn't need an old fashioned letter opener. She's got you! You did such a nice job on those presents.

Your cousins looks reeeeallys cooools, for humans. Arf! Arf!

Christmas din-din sounds awfully goods. Dad, can we have Christmas dinner with Mary-Margaret next year?

Yeah, our waistlines are very important!

Happy Holidays to you and yours.


Anonymous said...

It sounds like you had the best Christmas ever..
What are you doing for New Years Mary Margaret?
Auntie Dee