Sunday, March 19, 2006

Puppies like weekends off!!

I like my weekends off, but try to tell Mom the Workaholic that. Saturday was so-so. We were only at the office for maybe 4 hours and then we went to Puppy School. Not a lot of kids there because of the iffy weather, but it was a good group. Samantha came by and was in a rotten mood. She had a "little surgery", whatever that means. The grown-ups seemed to know, though. Her Sister said the staples were coming out. That doesn't sound good no matter what it means. Mom told her Sis where the emergency vet was.

Today, we were back at work again. These "human beans" are something else. The carpenter was working on the building, the attorney was there with her dog, the real estate guy with the nice smelling boots was there. Don't they EVER take a day off?

I entertained myself by seeing how many times I could get my leash stuck by wrapping it around chair legs. Then I climbed on Mom's shoulder so I could see out the window. I can get all four of my feet perched just so, and I use her head for support, if I need it. We're on the top floor so I get a pretty good view of town. My grandma called this morning and said there was something going on, and it turned out to be a Blue Grass Festival. I could hear the music from across the street. It was nice. About five o'clock I really got mad. I don't like working so long and not getting to watch my "Animal Planet" shows. I made a point of telling Mom exactly how I felt, too!

Finally, she took the hint and we left. Sheesh!!! Tonight Mom said "Only four more nights and then you'll be at Auntie C's". What? Did I miss something? What's this "Auntie C" stuff? I smell a plot brewing.

Love, Mary-Margaret
Overworked and Underpaid

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