Saturday, March 18, 2006

I jes' can't help m'self!

Tags....paper...envelopes....the taste, the touch, the tearing! I really can't help it. It's so much fun. Mom says addictive is the word, and that I need professional help. Well, maybe if SHE tried it, she'd like it. And to think, she actually PAYS a professional shredding company to dispose of our files.

Thanks again, Auntie Leslie, for leaving the tags on my pressies! (**wink**)

Love, Mary-Margaret

PS - I found the neatest site today when I was surfin' the web. It's There's a, too. Check it out!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love to shred paper towel personally, given half a chance, which as you can imagine is NOT often. Mum is really good at spoiling ALL the fun sometimes!

I can't believe you lost weight the other day. Mum says if you're not careful you'll blow away. If I were you I would start a campaign for some more Charlee Bears! I weigh almost 15 lbs, I think I must look HUGE compared to you. I bet it's nice to be so petite.

I hope you have a nice day. The sun is shining here this morning and hopefully I'll get my walk early. I'm ready now really, but Mum is still in her PJs, so I guess I'll have to wait!

Talk to you later.