This is Mary-Margaret's mother writing and I have not received any more letters from Mary-Margaret. I was so worried about her thinking that maybe her canoe tipped over, or that she backed into the campfire while roasting marshmallows, that finally I called her counselor. I'm told that Mary-Margaret is doing fine, but that she has been so overwhelmed with her camp experience that she just hasn't found the time to write.
I'll be picking her up from camp on Saturday and I promise I'll sit her down for a detailed report as to how she kept so busy she couldn't even send me one lousy postcard after that first letter.
Kids!! (hmmmph)
Thursday, March 30, 2006
Friday, March 24, 2006
Mary-Margaret's Letters from Camp
March 24, 2006
Dear Mom,
I miss you! Can you believe they (Auntie C & Family) actually let one of those rude cats live IN their house - you did not tell me that part!. AND it has a name and they feed it and seem to like it - her name is Mo! Auntie C and Uncle Jason tell me I met her at Christmas but maybe she was nicer
then because I was a brand new baby, now I am very curious about everything and maybe don't know my size. When I first walked in their house, she started yelling at me right away and has swatted at me (warning swats, thank goodness). I am steering clear of her. Auntie C found her hiding out under Cailin's covers this morning...maybe she is not so tough!
I have heard things about Camp before and it seems to me that some things are missing from my experience, like fishing, canoeing, singing around a campfire (Auntie C says we can put a fire in in the fireplace and sing later if I really want)and sleeping outside (I am glad for that part). My "camping" experience has been more of chasing Auntie C around as she does a lot of laundry and goes up and down stairs constantly (I have mountains of clothes to climb thanks to Cailin and Clancy)and wondering when the real action is gonna start.
My Uncle Rudy has been acting dra-ma-tic, I don't know why he is so worried. He has been hiding out, turning his head away from everybody and having the blues. I keep trying to cheer him up, running circles around him with my leash on is kind of like running around the Maypole. He starts to wag his tail, and then catches himself --- he will warm up to me, I just know it.
So far I am having a good time, it is not too different from home. They have those big blue pouch thingies here too! I thought about catching a ride home in one, but I'll stick it out. Will write more later.
Mary Margaret O'Brien
Dear Mom,
I miss you! Can you believe they (Auntie C & Family) actually let one of those rude cats live IN their house - you did not tell me that part!. AND it has a name and they feed it and seem to like it - her name is Mo! Auntie C and Uncle Jason tell me I met her at Christmas but maybe she was nicer
then because I was a brand new baby, now I am very curious about everything and maybe don't know my size. When I first walked in their house, she started yelling at me right away and has swatted at me (warning swats, thank goodness). I am steering clear of her. Auntie C found her hiding out under Cailin's covers this morning...maybe she is not so tough!
I have heard things about Camp before and it seems to me that some things are missing from my experience, like fishing, canoeing, singing around a campfire (Auntie C says we can put a fire in in the fireplace and sing later if I really want)and sleeping outside (I am glad for that part). My "camping" experience has been more of chasing Auntie C around as she does a lot of laundry and goes up and down stairs constantly (I have mountains of clothes to climb thanks to Cailin and Clancy)and wondering when the real action is gonna start.
My Uncle Rudy has been acting dra-ma-tic, I don't know why he is so worried. He has been hiding out, turning his head away from everybody and having the blues. I keep trying to cheer him up, running circles around him with my leash on is kind of like running around the Maypole. He starts to wag his tail, and then catches himself --- he will warm up to me, I just know it.
So far I am having a good time, it is not too different from home. They have those big blue pouch thingies here too! I thought about catching a ride home in one, but I'll stick it out. Will write more later.
Mary Margaret O'Brien
From Mary-Margaret's Mother

Hi. This is Mary-Margaret's mother. This photo is after she realized how much fun camp was going to be. She asked me to tell you that she's "absolutely so busy" that she hasn't had time to write any letters yet. When she does, she'll have her Auntie (who is also her camp counselor) forward them on to me and I'll post them for you.
(No I did NOT read her diary. What kind of a mother do you think I am, anyway?)
Mary-Margaret's mother, "Mommy"
Thursday, March 23, 2006
Anything for a biscuit...!

(Yes, Mom. Of COURSE I'll share with my Uncle Rudy!)
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
Auntie Leslie's Milkbone treats!

Not sure where oblivion is yet, but I just came straight out and stared at Mom with my big puppy eyes and she said "OK, Mary-Margaret. Think of it as "camp". You'll be gone for a week and have lots of fun, and then I'll come pick you up!". I'm happy but I'm sad. I'm glad to see Uncle Rudy and everybody, but I'm sure going to miss my mom. Mom looks pretty sad, too. Tonight she told me that she misses me already and I'm not even gone yet.
I've been everly so good today to show her that I will be missing her too. She's going to ask Auntie Colleen and Uncle Jason to help me with my blog for a while so she can keep up on what I'm doing. I even packed a sweater and a vest that I've outgrown so Papa John can give it to Peanut, if it fits her. My pajamas still fit me just fine and so do most of my other clothes. Mom thought I grew more than I did. Rudy has a surprise coming!!
I think I want to get Mom to go to bed early and maybe cuddle a bit. It is our last night together before I leave for "camp" (rolling eyes). Maybe I should take my "fort" and just accidently forget to bring it back home. Silly grown-ups have funny names for things, don't they?
Love and kisses, heart full of misses --
Mary-Margaret O'Brien
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
Practicing the Secret Handshake

We wait until the moms aren't looking and then we put it into action.

Gosh. Every time we try to work out the bugs in the "secret pawshake" (we decided that was a better name for it), the flash goes off. Doesn't Mom realize I have a life, too? I mean, like.....well, I don't mind actually, but I don't want all my friends to think I'm a baby or anything, so I have to act tough, and play like I don't want my mom to know everything. You know?

For Girl's Only! No boys allowed.
Ohmygawsh. I met two of the nicest girls today and we decided to have a secret club. First, I finally get to play with Star, a Maltese. She's Debi's dog, and Debi works with us. OK, really Debi's daughter Candice's dog, but she helps Debi with her work and rides shotgun for her. And so Star comes in and, like right away, we hit it off. Star's Maltese - they're a bit stand-offish at first, but she really REALLY likes me. I can tell.
First, we get this secret handshake. Then, we get acquainted - a few sniffs here and there - and we know all we need to about each other. Then, we decide it's time to go for a walk and we stand by the door so our Mom's will see. And then Debi picks us both up for our first official group picture. It really came out good. Star and I are very photogenic, you know. And then Star has to get back to work so we say goodbye and promise to meet again soon for another club meeting.
So then Kelly, one of our clients, comes in and brings Brigitte, her miniature poodle. Kelly works for one of our attorney's and she always takes Brigitte to work with her, too. So now there are three of us. And Sarabi, you can be a member too, even though you live so far away. But maybe you can start a club in Illinois.
Mom took the neatest pictures and as soon as the blogger thing works again, she'll post them for me. I just LOVE my job. I really meet so many neat people and some really kewl dogs, too. I'll bet you have no idea how many dogs really DO go to work with their moms and dads.
Next week, when I'm staying with my Uncle Rudy, I get to go to work at his office in Santa Ana where Auntie Colleen, Jason and Papa John work. I still get a bit shakey when I think of Mom going away, but it's not like forever. And I am getting very grown up and really I can handle it. I'm kinda getting excited about the whole vacation thing. I hope Papa John will bring Peanut (his chihuahua) with him. I'm sure she and I could be great friends, too.
First, we get this secret handshake. Then, we get acquainted - a few sniffs here and there - and we know all we need to about each other. Then, we decide it's time to go for a walk and we stand by the door so our Mom's will see. And then Debi picks us both up for our first official group picture. It really came out good. Star and I are very photogenic, you know. And then Star has to get back to work so we say goodbye and promise to meet again soon for another club meeting.

So then Kelly, one of our clients, comes in and brings Brigitte, her miniature poodle. Kelly works for one of our attorney's and she always takes Brigitte to work with her, too. So now there are three of us. And Sarabi, you can be a member too, even though you live so far away. But maybe you can start a club in Illinois.
Mom took the neatest pictures and as soon as the blogger thing works again, she'll post them for me. I just LOVE my job. I really meet so many neat people and some really kewl dogs, too. I'll bet you have no idea how many dogs really DO go to work with their moms and dads.
Next week, when I'm staying with my Uncle Rudy, I get to go to work at his office in Santa Ana where Auntie Colleen, Jason and Papa John work. I still get a bit shakey when I think of Mom going away, but it's not like forever. And I am getting very grown up and really I can handle it. I'm kinda getting excited about the whole vacation thing. I hope Papa John will bring Peanut (his chihuahua) with him. I'm sure she and I could be great friends, too.
Monday, March 20, 2006
Monday, Monday....!
Me and Mom slept in today and didn't wake up until almost 9:00AM. I would have slept longer but when she gets up, I get up. We went to the office again. I very emphatically stressed that I have had it up to "here" with work. She kept calling me a "little pill" when all I was doing was telling her that we need to go HOME and play. So then what do you think??? We go get her nails done.
When Mom is at Cathleen's place, I have to sit "like a good girl" in my car seat (which is also my baby seat, a bed, a back-pack for Mom, a rolling airline carrier, etc, too). Now, Cathleen is a really nice person and she always tells me how cute I am and stuff. But I had a lot to say today, and finally Cathleen puts a towel over my car seat while I'm still talking. So I put the towel around my shoulders and thought I was pretty cool, and kept talking anyway.
Mom says I'm going through the "terrible twos". I was six months old yesterday so I'm not sure how she figures. I know I get bored easily and I like to shred paper, but you already know that. As long as I know where Mom is, I'm real independent. But as soon as she disappears, like even going into the bathroom, I get almost hysterical. Like I think I'm not going to see her ever again. I don't know what's wrong with me. I just want her to hold me all the time these days.
Even now, while I'm dictating this blog, I kept jumping up so she'd put me on her shoulder. That's where I'm most happy lately. As long as she's holding me, I know she's not going to leave me. Right?
Oh gosh, and I have this really weird feeling about her going someplace, and me being left behind. She says I'll have to suck it in and be a good girl while I'm staying at Uncle Rudy's place. I hope I can be. I mean, I know I'll try. I promise! It's only for a week, and I do remember from last Christmas about the really neat smells coming from the oven. It'll be ok. I think.
Bedtime. My favorite time. G'night, everybody.
Love, Mary-Margaret
When Mom is at Cathleen's place, I have to sit "like a good girl" in my car seat (which is also my baby seat, a bed, a back-pack for Mom, a rolling airline carrier, etc, too). Now, Cathleen is a really nice person and she always tells me how cute I am and stuff. But I had a lot to say today, and finally Cathleen puts a towel over my car seat while I'm still talking. So I put the towel around my shoulders and thought I was pretty cool, and kept talking anyway.
Mom says I'm going through the "terrible twos". I was six months old yesterday so I'm not sure how she figures. I know I get bored easily and I like to shred paper, but you already know that. As long as I know where Mom is, I'm real independent. But as soon as she disappears, like even going into the bathroom, I get almost hysterical. Like I think I'm not going to see her ever again. I don't know what's wrong with me. I just want her to hold me all the time these days.
Even now, while I'm dictating this blog, I kept jumping up so she'd put me on her shoulder. That's where I'm most happy lately. As long as she's holding me, I know she's not going to leave me. Right?
Oh gosh, and I have this really weird feeling about her going someplace, and me being left behind. She says I'll have to suck it in and be a good girl while I'm staying at Uncle Rudy's place. I hope I can be. I mean, I know I'll try. I promise! It's only for a week, and I do remember from last Christmas about the really neat smells coming from the oven. It'll be ok. I think.
Bedtime. My favorite time. G'night, everybody.
Love, Mary-Margaret
Sunday, March 19, 2006
Puppies like weekends off!!
I like my weekends off, but try to tell Mom the Workaholic that. Saturday was so-so. We were only at the office for maybe 4 hours and then we went to Puppy School. Not a lot of kids there because of the iffy weather, but it was a good group. Samantha came by and was in a rotten mood. She had a "little surgery", whatever that means. The grown-ups seemed to know, though. Her Sister said the staples were coming out. That doesn't sound good no matter what it means. Mom told her Sis where the emergency vet was.
Today, we were back at work again. These "human beans" are something else. The carpenter was working on the building, the attorney was there with her dog, the real estate guy with the nice smelling boots was there. Don't they EVER take a day off?
I entertained myself by seeing how many times I could get my leash stuck by wrapping it around chair legs. Then I climbed on Mom's shoulder so I could see out the window. I can get all four of my feet perched just so, and I use her head for support, if I need it. We're on the top floor so I get a pretty good view of town. My grandma called this morning and said there was something going on, and it turned out to be a Blue Grass Festival. I could hear the music from across the street. It was nice. About five o'clock I really got mad. I don't like working so long and not getting to watch my "Animal Planet" shows. I made a point of telling Mom exactly how I felt, too!
Finally, she took the hint and we left. Sheesh!!! Tonight Mom said "Only four more nights and then you'll be at Auntie C's". What? Did I miss something? What's this "Auntie C" stuff? I smell a plot brewing.
Love, Mary-Margaret
Overworked and Underpaid
Today, we were back at work again. These "human beans" are something else. The carpenter was working on the building, the attorney was there with her dog, the real estate guy with the nice smelling boots was there. Don't they EVER take a day off?
I entertained myself by seeing how many times I could get my leash stuck by wrapping it around chair legs. Then I climbed on Mom's shoulder so I could see out the window. I can get all four of my feet perched just so, and I use her head for support, if I need it. We're on the top floor so I get a pretty good view of town. My grandma called this morning and said there was something going on, and it turned out to be a Blue Grass Festival. I could hear the music from across the street. It was nice. About five o'clock I really got mad. I don't like working so long and not getting to watch my "Animal Planet" shows. I made a point of telling Mom exactly how I felt, too!
Finally, she took the hint and we left. Sheesh!!! Tonight Mom said "Only four more nights and then you'll be at Auntie C's". What? Did I miss something? What's this "Auntie C" stuff? I smell a plot brewing.
Love, Mary-Margaret
Overworked and Underpaid
Saturday, March 18, 2006
I jes' can't help m'self!

Tags....paper...envelopes....the taste, the touch, the tearing! I really can't help it. It's so much fun. Mom says addictive is the word, and that I need professional help. Well, maybe if SHE tried it, she'd like it. And to think, she actually PAYS a professional shredding company to dispose of our files.
Thanks again, Auntie Leslie, for leaving the tags on my pressies! (**wink**)
Love, Mary-Margaret
PS - I found the neatest site today when I was surfin' the web. It's There's a, too. Check it out!
Friday, March 17, 2006
Happy St. Patrick's Day

Here I am, celebrating the special day of St. Patrick. Do you think I look maybe a little bit Irish? I mean if you didn't already know my name?
Would you also believe that I actually LOST .1 pound by getting a haircut and my nails trimmed? I only weigh 5.3 pounds now according the the scale at Miss Patty's Country Kennels aka Clip 'n Snip, where I get my hair done. Now that's the kind of diet I like!! :o)
A Wish for a Friend
Wishing you a rainbow
For sunlight after showers—
Miles and miles of Irish smiles
For golden happy hours—
Shamrocks at your doorway
For luck and laughter too,
And a host of friends that never ends
Each day your whole life through
Love and kisses - Mary-Margaret O'Brien
Pallino and the Rainbow Bridge
This is for Sarabi and her mom and anybody else that has lost a very special pet.
When my Mom lost Rose Anne, her good friend Allie told her about the "Rainbow Bridge". It's a special place that your dog goes to wait for you to join them someday. My mom says it was very comforting to her after Rose Anne was gone and I've asked her to send it to you.
Another thing my mom did was to sit down right away and write about Rose Anne and all the happy memories she shared with her. If you click on "Memories of Rose Anne" in the links part of my blog, you can see how special my Great Aunt Rose was to my mom, too. They shared so many good times together it was hard for Mom to remember them all. That's one of the reasons she encouraged me to write my Diary.'s not as if I'm going anywhere for a long time, mind you. But sometimes when Mom needs to "put things into perspective" (like she says), I let her read my Diary and it really helps her see what's important.
I'm so sorry that Pallino had to go so soon, but I'm glad your mom had a chance to be with him before he left. Did you know that Pallino even sent me a post on my blog? I had no idea that he wasn't feeling well. I felt like he was my friend, too.
I asked my mom to send lots of hugs to you, your mom and your grandmother from both of us .I'm sure Pallino and Rose Anne will be hanging out together, just playing and having a swell time until it's time for them to cross over that bridge with their people. Also tell your "mum" that my mom kept wiping at her eyes when she thought about Pallino being gone. She knows how sad you all must feel right now.
Love and kisses,
Your friend, Mary-Margaret
When my Mom lost Rose Anne, her good friend Allie told her about the "Rainbow Bridge". It's a special place that your dog goes to wait for you to join them someday. My mom says it was very comforting to her after Rose Anne was gone and I've asked her to send it to you.
Another thing my mom did was to sit down right away and write about Rose Anne and all the happy memories she shared with her. If you click on "Memories of Rose Anne" in the links part of my blog, you can see how special my Great Aunt Rose was to my mom, too. They shared so many good times together it was hard for Mom to remember them all. That's one of the reasons she encouraged me to write my Diary.'s not as if I'm going anywhere for a long time, mind you. But sometimes when Mom needs to "put things into perspective" (like she says), I let her read my Diary and it really helps her see what's important.
I'm so sorry that Pallino had to go so soon, but I'm glad your mom had a chance to be with him before he left. Did you know that Pallino even sent me a post on my blog? I had no idea that he wasn't feeling well. I felt like he was my friend, too.
I asked my mom to send lots of hugs to you, your mom and your grandmother from both of us .I'm sure Pallino and Rose Anne will be hanging out together, just playing and having a swell time until it's time for them to cross over that bridge with their people. Also tell your "mum" that my mom kept wiping at her eyes when she thought about Pallino being gone. She knows how sad you all must feel right now.
Love and kisses,
Your friend, Mary-Margaret
Thursday, March 16, 2006
Me and my good friend, Kasha

See why I rush to get off the elevator in the morning? Allstate Insurance sure knows how to hire the right people. I just love going into their office. This is my good friend Kasha. He's Persian and I really love him. He says he loves me, too. But I'm not sure that it's what you think. Mostly we just cuddle a bit and say "Hi" to each other, and then we work work work. I try really hard not to dribble on his shoes, but he is very forgiving.

Tomorrow, I get my hair and nails done. Mom bought me a bright green hair ribbon for Saint Patrick's day. With a name like mine, I guess I'd better wear green, don't you think?
Love and kisses,
Come ON - Let's GO!!

It's 5:00PM and I don't get paid overtime. Come to think of it, I don't get paid at all except for maybe an occasional Charlee Bear. Don't be fooled by the leash. Mom keeps it on me in case I want to squiggle out the door, and she has to stomp on it really fast to keep me escaping. Talk about slave labor. About 4:30PM, right after our pouch man leaves, I take my position and I gggrrrrrr!!! ever so gently so she won't forget to TAKE ME HOME.
Today was ever so busy. I tasted many shoes and greeted many people. They have a new receptionist in the Allstate office. He's Persian and his name is Kasha. I think I'm in love. I'll see if I can get Mom to take a picture of Kasha and me. Melanie Ruiz, the broker, sure knows how to pick out her helpers. Oh, he just gives the nicest ever cuddles when I'm there. Mom really has to watch that I don't slip out the door to go and visit now. (hee hee)
Love, Mary-Margaret
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
Please? Let me sleep?

Sometimes I just like to sleep in. You'd think Mom could tell by the look I'm giving her. But NOOOO! She's up so everybody has to get up. It's not fair.
Oh, yesterday someone came into our office looking for Allstate Insurance. Mom said "Mary-Margaret will show you where it is!", and opened the door. Naturally, I ran right down to Suite 313, my second most favorite place in the world. I am really starting to earn my Charlee Bears. Yes, Sarabi. You are right. Mom just today looked at the bag and realized she'd been spelling it wrong all this time. They are "Charlee Bears", not "Charley Bears". But either way, they are the most YUMMIEST thing ever.
I think maybe I won't borrow too much of Mom's "Baby Book" of me anymore. Yesterday just about blew out the whole blog page. We had to really scramble to retrieve it. My mom means well, but sometimes she just talks a whole lot more than she needs to, ya know?
To Sarabi: Are you happy happy HAPPY now that your mom is home? Did you try hard not to "you know what"? Did you get any presents? :o)
Love, Mary-Margaret
Tuesday, March 14, 2006
Going Back in Time: Mom's Diary 11/25-26/2005
"What was I like when I was a baby", I asked Mom?
She told me that she kept a diary, just like I do, so she wouldn't forget a single moment. She was so sad when my Aunt Rose died that she even wrote a tribute to her called "Memories of Rose Anne". She told me that she gave all of Rose Anne's stuff away because she didn't ever want to love somebody as much as she did Rosie, and then have to hurt so much when they left. She said she lasted about a whole week before she realized that she really missed having a warm fuzzy baby in her house. I was too little to write back then, so maybe this will tell you about me as a teeny little baby and how me and my mom got acquainted. Mom says it's ok if I share her diary with you.
-----------Mom's Diary----------------
11/25/05 - Friday after Thanksgiving
My heart is so empty and I miss my Rosie so much. I've scanned the internet for Papillons but find none near me. I thought perhaps a Papillon puppy since I see Rose's sweet little face in theirs. I get dressed and go visit Pacific Pets in Temecula. I play with a darling baby Cairn Terrier - a girl - but she's absolutely wild. Maybe she's excited about the possibility of going home with me, but she began chewing on my shoes. Not a good sign.
I played with several other pups, and finally the sales clerk put two dogs in the pen with me - a Maltese and a little Yorkie. I've always been attracted to Maltese, including this tiny darling. However, once inside the pen she's all over the place with a bark that could shatter glass. She also likes to nibble shoes. The Maltese goes back and I turn my attention to the sweet little Yorkie. She's reserved, inquisitive, polite and does NOT bark. Most importantly, my shoes are of a passing interest to her, and she's not interested in tasting them.
She's very happy to be held, and when asked for a "kiss, please", she demurely gives me two of the sweetest baby kisses. Then she asks to be put down, circles the floor and reluctantly takes care of business in a remote corner of the pen before coming back for more cuddles. Could this be love, I ask myself? To be sure, we sit quietly and visit for a while. I don't think there's any question that we belong together. I feel Rose's presence very strongly and I know she approves.
As we leave, I remember the time the pups got out and I thought they'd been stolen, so I get a tag with my phone number on it. What's her name? I have no idea. I had thought maybe "Ruby Rose" or "Shirley", but they just didn't fit. The engraver told me to bring back the tag when we figured out her name. We piled into the car, my new baby in her little car seat. As we were getting comfortable, the most unlikely name passed through my mind. I looked at her and found her looking back at me in all seriousness, and I said her name aloud.
"Mary-Margaret O'Brien"? Her little eyes twinkled and she seemed to nod. Yes. That was her name. She immediately settled down into her car seat and acted as if she'd been doing this all her life. A strange name for such a small dog, but she answered to it immediately. I wonder if reincarnation is an actuality?
By the end of this first day, she's pottied outside all by herself, played fetch with her stuffed squeaky "trout" (yes, it's a plush fish), explored in tiny places between the cupboards and the fridge getting stuck more than once. She's fallen into her water dish, skidded across her "place mat" while stepping in pureed turkey and tracking it everywhere, and she's totally worn out. She loves to cuddle and gives kisses every so gently. She has yet to bark, and she's now sound asleep in her little QVC box on a fluffy red towel.Ask me tomorrow how we're doing. But so far, so good. :o)
11/26/05 - Saturday
I'm so amazed. She slept all night in her QVC box with only one potty break requested at about 1:00AM. I needed one, too, so we both went and then got back in our respective beds. At 6:30AM, she informed me it was time for breakfast and we both stumbled into the kitchen. She approaches the sliding glass door and we go out. She immediately heads for the grass and I know I made the right choice. How smart is she that, at only 9 weeks, she is practically house-broken?
Everything is a trade-off. I discover that while she may be house-broken one way, she has a fascination for electrical cords. She learns the word "no" very quickly. Then she discovers that "no" is not an absolute, and she does have a strong will. We battle on and off throughout the day.
Her doctor's appointment for a general physical is at 2:30PM. She weighs 2.1 pounds, and she's pronounced in perfect health and even has a good bite. I knew that already (ow ow!), but the vet meant that she wouldn't need braces in the future. We're invited back to "Puppy Socialization Class" at 4:00PM. That gives us just enough time to check the mail at the office, buy a fancy leash in order to appear well dressed in school, and get back for her class.
Her first friend is "Sandy", a 10 week old long haired Chihuahua, who is quite handsome. He also reminds me of a caramel-colored Rose Anne. My heart twinges for a moment, and then we go outdoors in back.
There is a large concrete patio area with folding chairs lined up on both sides for the puppy parents. Already there are about eight babies of varying sizes and breeds playing together. The tiniest ones, like Mary-Margaret, are held in Letty's arms to acclimatize themselves to the group environment. Samantha (a Maltese) is very possessive of Letty. She doesn't want to share her space with Mary-Margaret or anyone else, and she lets them know with ear-splitting yips and raspy little growls. Mary-Margaret ignores Samantha and takes her place on Letty's right thigh. Sandy joins them, and eventually Bailey (a Shih Tzu) trots on over. Mary-Margaret is very sweet with everyone, and makes up for Samantha's lack of manners. Perhaps Samantha just knows she is beautiful and doesn't have to concentrate on her inner beauty?
The other children are already on the lawn, playing and wrestling. There are tasty treats for all the babies and they quickly some learn who is holding them. My first "trick or treater" is Lucky, a Newfoundland something-or-other. He really is lucky. His mom found Lucky, his sister Sadie, and their mom walking along the 215 freeway and rescued them. Lucky is about 10 weeks old, according to the doctor, but he and his sister probably weigh about 25-30 pounds. Roxie (a red pit bull) and Kitty (a Queensland Heeler) play pretty roughly but Mary-Margaret doesn't first! The second time they wrestled their way over to her, she flattened herself into the grass, barely visible even to my eye, and the two big pups passed right over her without another glance. Then she ran to "mommy".
Godiva is an older chocolate miniature poodle that acts as an assistant school...teacher. She is an example to all the children as to how they should behave. Bella, a 10 week old Australian Silkie terrier arrives a bit late. She hangs on the outside of the group, reminding me that it's always difficult to come to a new situation after everyone else has gotten to know each other. Perhaps next week she'll feel more at ease. There is also a beagle pup and it seems possibly a couple of others. They move pretty quickly and have already grouped into "big dogs" and "little dogs" cliques. I don't remember the larger ones as well as I do the smaller kids, since all of my attention was focused on Mary-Margaret and how she was interacting.
It's so much like a real human child pre-school, including parents with cameras sitting on the side lines, that I can't help but smile. I had no idea that these little classes even existed, but I have decided that it's something Mary-Margaret and I can look forward to every Saturday from 4:00 to 5:00PM.
----------------End of Mom's Diary -----------------
Whew! I think that's all for today. Mom sure writes a lot. Maybe I'll ask her for some of the other days of her diary later. She say's it's like my "Baby Book", but now that I'm old enough to write by myself, or at least dictate by myself, she doesn't have to do anything except transcribe.
It's pretty funny that I knew exactly how to get her attention that first day we met. was SO hard not to go near her shoes that first day, but I figured once I got settled I'd have plenty of time for that. (hee hee)
Love, Mary-Margaret O'Brien
She told me that she kept a diary, just like I do, so she wouldn't forget a single moment. She was so sad when my Aunt Rose died that she even wrote a tribute to her called "Memories of Rose Anne". She told me that she gave all of Rose Anne's stuff away because she didn't ever want to love somebody as much as she did Rosie, and then have to hurt so much when they left. She said she lasted about a whole week before she realized that she really missed having a warm fuzzy baby in her house. I was too little to write back then, so maybe this will tell you about me as a teeny little baby and how me and my mom got acquainted. Mom says it's ok if I share her diary with you.
-----------Mom's Diary----------------
11/25/05 - Friday after Thanksgiving
My heart is so empty and I miss my Rosie so much. I've scanned the internet for Papillons but find none near me. I thought perhaps a Papillon puppy since I see Rose's sweet little face in theirs. I get dressed and go visit Pacific Pets in Temecula. I play with a darling baby Cairn Terrier - a girl - but she's absolutely wild. Maybe she's excited about the possibility of going home with me, but she began chewing on my shoes. Not a good sign.
I played with several other pups, and finally the sales clerk put two dogs in the pen with me - a Maltese and a little Yorkie. I've always been attracted to Maltese, including this tiny darling. However, once inside the pen she's all over the place with a bark that could shatter glass. She also likes to nibble shoes. The Maltese goes back and I turn my attention to the sweet little Yorkie. She's reserved, inquisitive, polite and does NOT bark. Most importantly, my shoes are of a passing interest to her, and she's not interested in tasting them.
She's very happy to be held, and when asked for a "kiss, please", she demurely gives me two of the sweetest baby kisses. Then she asks to be put down, circles the floor and reluctantly takes care of business in a remote corner of the pen before coming back for more cuddles. Could this be love, I ask myself? To be sure, we sit quietly and visit for a while. I don't think there's any question that we belong together. I feel Rose's presence very strongly and I know she approves.
As we leave, I remember the time the pups got out and I thought they'd been stolen, so I get a tag with my phone number on it. What's her name? I have no idea. I had thought maybe "Ruby Rose" or "Shirley", but they just didn't fit. The engraver told me to bring back the tag when we figured out her name. We piled into the car, my new baby in her little car seat. As we were getting comfortable, the most unlikely name passed through my mind. I looked at her and found her looking back at me in all seriousness, and I said her name aloud.
"Mary-Margaret O'Brien"? Her little eyes twinkled and she seemed to nod. Yes. That was her name. She immediately settled down into her car seat and acted as if she'd been doing this all her life. A strange name for such a small dog, but she answered to it immediately. I wonder if reincarnation is an actuality?
By the end of this first day, she's pottied outside all by herself, played fetch with her stuffed squeaky "trout" (yes, it's a plush fish), explored in tiny places between the cupboards and the fridge getting stuck more than once. She's fallen into her water dish, skidded across her "place mat" while stepping in pureed turkey and tracking it everywhere, and she's totally worn out. She loves to cuddle and gives kisses every so gently. She has yet to bark, and she's now sound asleep in her little QVC box on a fluffy red towel.Ask me tomorrow how we're doing. But so far, so good. :o)
11/26/05 - Saturday
I'm so amazed. She slept all night in her QVC box with only one potty break requested at about 1:00AM. I needed one, too, so we both went and then got back in our respective beds. At 6:30AM, she informed me it was time for breakfast and we both stumbled into the kitchen. She approaches the sliding glass door and we go out. She immediately heads for the grass and I know I made the right choice. How smart is she that, at only 9 weeks, she is practically house-broken?
Everything is a trade-off. I discover that while she may be house-broken one way, she has a fascination for electrical cords. She learns the word "no" very quickly. Then she discovers that "no" is not an absolute, and she does have a strong will. We battle on and off throughout the day.
Her doctor's appointment for a general physical is at 2:30PM. She weighs 2.1 pounds, and she's pronounced in perfect health and even has a good bite. I knew that already (ow ow!), but the vet meant that she wouldn't need braces in the future. We're invited back to "Puppy Socialization Class" at 4:00PM. That gives us just enough time to check the mail at the office, buy a fancy leash in order to appear well dressed in school, and get back for her class.
Her first friend is "Sandy", a 10 week old long haired Chihuahua, who is quite handsome. He also reminds me of a caramel-colored Rose Anne. My heart twinges for a moment, and then we go outdoors in back.
There is a large concrete patio area with folding chairs lined up on both sides for the puppy parents. Already there are about eight babies of varying sizes and breeds playing together. The tiniest ones, like Mary-Margaret, are held in Letty's arms to acclimatize themselves to the group environment. Samantha (a Maltese) is very possessive of Letty. She doesn't want to share her space with Mary-Margaret or anyone else, and she lets them know with ear-splitting yips and raspy little growls. Mary-Margaret ignores Samantha and takes her place on Letty's right thigh. Sandy joins them, and eventually Bailey (a Shih Tzu) trots on over. Mary-Margaret is very sweet with everyone, and makes up for Samantha's lack of manners. Perhaps Samantha just knows she is beautiful and doesn't have to concentrate on her inner beauty?
The other children are already on the lawn, playing and wrestling. There are tasty treats for all the babies and they quickly some learn who is holding them. My first "trick or treater" is Lucky, a Newfoundland something-or-other. He really is lucky. His mom found Lucky, his sister Sadie, and their mom walking along the 215 freeway and rescued them. Lucky is about 10 weeks old, according to the doctor, but he and his sister probably weigh about 25-30 pounds. Roxie (a red pit bull) and Kitty (a Queensland Heeler) play pretty roughly but Mary-Margaret doesn't first! The second time they wrestled their way over to her, she flattened herself into the grass, barely visible even to my eye, and the two big pups passed right over her without another glance. Then she ran to "mommy".
Godiva is an older chocolate miniature poodle that acts as an assistant school...teacher. She is an example to all the children as to how they should behave. Bella, a 10 week old Australian Silkie terrier arrives a bit late. She hangs on the outside of the group, reminding me that it's always difficult to come to a new situation after everyone else has gotten to know each other. Perhaps next week she'll feel more at ease. There is also a beagle pup and it seems possibly a couple of others. They move pretty quickly and have already grouped into "big dogs" and "little dogs" cliques. I don't remember the larger ones as well as I do the smaller kids, since all of my attention was focused on Mary-Margaret and how she was interacting.
It's so much like a real human child pre-school, including parents with cameras sitting on the side lines, that I can't help but smile. I had no idea that these little classes even existed, but I have decided that it's something Mary-Margaret and I can look forward to every Saturday from 4:00 to 5:00PM.
----------------End of Mom's Diary -----------------
Whew! I think that's all for today. Mom sure writes a lot. Maybe I'll ask her for some of the other days of her diary later. She say's it's like my "Baby Book", but now that I'm old enough to write by myself, or at least dictate by myself, she doesn't have to do anything except transcribe.
It's pretty funny that I knew exactly how to get her attention that first day we met. was SO hard not to go near her shoes that first day, but I figured once I got settled I'd have plenty of time for that. (hee hee)
Love, Mary-Margaret O'Brien
Monday, March 13, 2006
Winter-time Warm-up!

My heater! It's so cold in the morning when Mom checks her email. So I sit here with the fan blowing hot air on me until she's ready to go downstairs and make coffee. Oh, it feels so good. I'm not allowed to stick my tongue into it, though. She keeps saying "uh uh, Mary-Margaret". So that's ok. I'll live without tasting it.
Sunday, March 12, 2006
I help Mom clean the Bird's cage!

Cleaning the Bird's cage is something Mom hates to do. Me? I absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE it. I get hollered at when I dive into the trash bag with the stuff from the bottom of the cage, but it's worth it. All those nifty neat-o smells and things. See how happy I get?
Mom says it takes her twice as long with me helping out, but I'm ok with that. Twice as much fun for me! :o)
Love, Mary-Margaret
Saturday, March 11, 2006
Rain, Rain - Go Away!

It's Saturday and it's raining. Even hailing at times. Mom won't let me outside so I have to use the bathroom, which is ok because I actually have my own for just me, Mary-Margaret O'Brien, unless we have guests. Piddle pad is set up right there by the toilet so I really don't absolutely have to get my feet wet. Still, it's kinda boring. Nothing new to sniff or anything. Oh, except Mom flushed some dead plant leaves down the toilet and I got to watch the water swirl and the leaves disappear. That was fun.
Actually, this picture is in Mom's bathroom after she flushed down some birdseed. My bathroom is blue with fishes and beach type stuff in it. I always like to see what's happening when I know a toilet is going to be flushed. I wish I could reach the handle, but I'm too short. I thought about dropping my "chewie" inside it, but decided that maybe I'd never see it again, and that wouldn't be a good idea.
Althoughhhhhhhh.......when a puppy has nothing to do, we find stuff to do? You know what I mean? So I got Mom to put up the blinds on the window by the front door. And I tell her what's going on in the neighborhood. And I keep telling her until she finally says "You STOP that, Mary-Margaret!", so I stop for a few minutes and she gets into something else. Then (hee hee hee) I start up again. So she dropped the blinds and turned on "Animal Planet" for me, instead. (sigh)
I moved my toys off the landing to the stairs, the hall, my bedroom....all over. Mom just picks them up and puts them back on the landing. (deep sigh)
No Puppy School today because of rain. I really miss all my friends. (even deeper sigh).
Mary-Margaret O'Brien
Friday, March 10, 2006
My Very Own SLIPPER!

My Auntie Leslie is SOOOO thoughful. Honestly, I just absolutely LOVE her. Yesterday, I missed our pouch man because I had to go to School. But this morning, I get to my office and Sonia says "Mary-Margaret, there's something here for you!". Oh my goodness. And there it is, sitting on Mom's desk, in a white envelope with big black letters and it says: "Attention: Mary-Margaret O'Brien". So Mom helps me open it, and there's this nifty fluffy white slipper inside. Just one, and it's way to small for Mom, and it is for MEEEEE! And you know what? Auntie Leslie knows how much I like to chew on tags so she even left that on for me. Am I just the luckiest pup in the whole wide world to have Aunties like Leslie?

So here I am all cuddled up with my new "slipper" while I take my morning nap. I didn't sleep much, though. I was way too excited. But I tried. Honestly, I did.
PS - This slipper isn't for wearing so I KNOW I won't get into trouble for tasting it or even maybe giving it a little munch every so often. I like to do that, you know.
PPS - Auntie Leslie told Mom that she got it for me so I'd have something soft to land on when I fall off the back of the leather chair. Not as if I'd do that again, ever. Really!
Mary-Margaret O'Brien
Thursday, March 09, 2006
Me 'n Moses Hanging Out

It was getting pretty crazy on the patio. I tell you, those young kids are so wild. I know it's just the age, though. That's how I got my nickname of "Crazy Pants" from Nicole and Dr. V. I saw them today after school when I was getting weighed in. You know, I still only weigh 5.4 pounds? Maybe I'm done growing, ya think?
I wore my new hot pink collar to class and all the Moms commented on it. One mom even said she comes to class just to see what outfit I'll have on. A lady from the hospital called Mom this morning to ask about me, and to find out what I was going to wear to school. I mean, gosh. I've outgrown so many of my clothes I'll have to go shopping just to keep up with my "fans". And I suppose I'll have to hire a publicist.....!
Hollywood air kisses to everyone, DAHHH-lings(just teasing),
Luv ya...Mary-Margaret
What do you MEAN it's not a sweatband?

Oh, poor Mom. Worse yet, poor ME. And here I was all excited about being an athlete. I have to admit, even as a collar it's very fashionable and trendy. I'm absolutely going to wear it to Puppy School this afternoon unless it's cancelled because of rain. I know I'll be the ONLY girl there with something as beautiful as my new shocking pink collar. Just wait until Dolly and Sara see this. Woo hoo!
Love, Mary-Margaret
Wednesday, March 08, 2006
Tennis, anyone?

It's not like I get to play very often. Er...well, truthfully, I've never actually HIT the ball with a raquet, but I do own a couple of yellow tennis balls. So see what my Auntie Vicki sent me? A gorgeous pink sweatband to match my collar.
Now I suppose I'll absolutely have to start learning the game. Only thing is, that without thumbs, I'll probably have a handicap, and not even last through the first inning long enough to make a goal.
Sports is a lot of fun to watch, though.
Chukker, y'all!
Mary-Margaret O'Brien
Tuesday, March 07, 2006
Ow! My first REAL tummy ache
Sorry for not writing yesterday. I don't know if it was that snail I ate or what, but my tummy was really horrible awful yesterday. I had a few "oopsies" but Mom didn't even get mad at me. Mostly, I managed to hit my piddle pad so there were just a couple of spots on the carpet. She just picked me up and cuddled me while she was soaping up the carpet with dish detergent. We were at the office and it's all she had. She kept saying stuff like "Awww, you poor little baby!" and "Are you ok? Do you feel better?". Ugh. Ted, our emergency courier came in, wrinkled up his nose and sniffed, saying "Oh-my-God-what-IS-that?". Then when he found Mom scrubbing the floor, he cuddled me, too. He knew I felt pretty bad.
Mostly I slept and today I'm feeling ever so much better. Still, every time I go outside in the garden I find something that looks tasty. A couple of days ago I brought in a solid clump of fertilizer that Mom made me spit out. I just hear "DROP IT!" and I do. I just wanted Mom to see what a treasure I found, ya know? I hear pill bugs are fun it you want something to roll around your tongue. I'll let you know about that later.
Meanwhile, I'm swearing off snails.
Have a great day!
Love, Mary-Margaret
Mostly I slept and today I'm feeling ever so much better. Still, every time I go outside in the garden I find something that looks tasty. A couple of days ago I brought in a solid clump of fertilizer that Mom made me spit out. I just hear "DROP IT!" and I do. I just wanted Mom to see what a treasure I found, ya know? I hear pill bugs are fun it you want something to roll around your tongue. I'll let you know about that later.
Meanwhile, I'm swearing off snails.
Have a great day!
Love, Mary-Margaret
Sunday, March 05, 2006
How do Moms always KNOW??
"Don't get up there, Mary-Margaret. You'll hurt yourself." "Get down, Mary-Margaret, or you'll fall!". Gosh if I had a Charley Bear for every time I heard that I'd be fat.
One of my most favorite places is on the very tippy-top of the back of Mom's brown leather recliner. She always tells me to get down because she's afraid I'll fall. Well, HAH! I never fall. Nope. Not me. Not ever. Until this morning.
OHMYGAWSH. Let me tell YOU. I fell all the way off the back on to the floor. I cried and cried so loud Mom thought I'd broken something. It was so absolutely scary. One minute I was lounging peacefully, and the next minute there was a loud "thunk", and there I was on the tile. OW!
I sobbed some more, and Mom picked me up to check my eyes, nose, arms, legs, tail, ribs, everything. Then she cuddled me until I stopped sobbing. I'm ok. I mean everything still works the way it's supposed to, and I skittered up the stairs and hopped on our bed without a problem. But I think when Mom says don't do something, I probably should listen. At least, I'll try to.
Moms are good to have around when we have "owies". I just love my mom so very much. I even went and got her sandals and put them side by side together for her so she wouldn't have to hunt for them. OK. So maybe I nibbled a little bit, but only enough to make a dent. No pieces fell off or anything.
I DO love you, Mom! Really I do!
One of my most favorite places is on the very tippy-top of the back of Mom's brown leather recliner. She always tells me to get down because she's afraid I'll fall. Well, HAH! I never fall. Nope. Not me. Not ever. Until this morning.
OHMYGAWSH. Let me tell YOU. I fell all the way off the back on to the floor. I cried and cried so loud Mom thought I'd broken something. It was so absolutely scary. One minute I was lounging peacefully, and the next minute there was a loud "thunk", and there I was on the tile. OW!
I sobbed some more, and Mom picked me up to check my eyes, nose, arms, legs, tail, ribs, everything. Then she cuddled me until I stopped sobbing. I'm ok. I mean everything still works the way it's supposed to, and I skittered up the stairs and hopped on our bed without a problem. But I think when Mom says don't do something, I probably should listen. At least, I'll try to.
Moms are good to have around when we have "owies". I just love my mom so very much. I even went and got her sandals and put them side by side together for her so she wouldn't have to hunt for them. OK. So maybe I nibbled a little bit, but only enough to make a dent. No pieces fell off or anything.
I DO love you, Mom! Really I do!
Saturday, March 04, 2006
Benelli is SUCH a!
All puppy school, for almost the whole hour, "Peaches" kept following me around. That's ok with me, except he kept grabbing me around my waist...(ok, where my waist would be if I had one), and I had to keep telling him, over and over, "...Don't DO that. I'm NOT that kind of girl. Really, I'm NOT!......", but he kept it up.
Finally, Benelli spied Peaches harrassing me. Now, I don't know if you remember me talking about Benelli "Just call me Ben" Hill, but he's a Border Collie type. So anyway, he takes this really huge paw and puts it between Peaches and me. Then it gets REALLY good. All the moms and dads were laughing so hard. But Benelli, who is HUGE, started doing the same thing to Peaches, who is a little Fox Terrier, and not much bigger than a long legged chihuahua. Peaches kept ducking under chairs, and Benelli would duck right under with him. Then Peaches tried running away, but Benelli is much faster, and would catch Peaches every time. Mom says "What goes around, comes around", but I didn't know what that meant until today. Boy, Peaches sure got a double dose of what he was giving me. And he didn't like it one bit.
There were a couple of new kids there: Stewie - a rat terrier maybe, and Nico - a pit bull. Jessie, a cocker spaniel, was racing and accidently smashed into Benelli, who was racing the other way. She just cried so hard that even the Doctor looked at her but she was ok and played some more after she recovered.
Java and Jody (Sheltie and Chesapeake Bay Retriever) were there for their second class. Of us older kids, PeeWee the chihuahua was there, but that's about it. Oh, and Dolly, another Yorkie, was there. She's sure feisty and she really knows how to talk to those big dogs. She's got more spunk than I do, and she moves pretty fast. We're pretty good friends and we hang out together for part of the class, usually either racing about or tusseling under a chair.
I spent some time in my "fort" this morning. Mom seemed pleased, but actually I was just rescuing my teddy bear. Teddy is now on the landing where he should be. I can't see any good reason to go back into that thing unless there's something good in it. I just don't see why I have to have a ...a...cage! Really I don't!
G'night. I'm tired. Peaches wore me out.
Love, Mary-Margaret
Finally, Benelli spied Peaches harrassing me. Now, I don't know if you remember me talking about Benelli "Just call me Ben" Hill, but he's a Border Collie type. So anyway, he takes this really huge paw and puts it between Peaches and me. Then it gets REALLY good. All the moms and dads were laughing so hard. But Benelli, who is HUGE, started doing the same thing to Peaches, who is a little Fox Terrier, and not much bigger than a long legged chihuahua. Peaches kept ducking under chairs, and Benelli would duck right under with him. Then Peaches tried running away, but Benelli is much faster, and would catch Peaches every time. Mom says "What goes around, comes around", but I didn't know what that meant until today. Boy, Peaches sure got a double dose of what he was giving me. And he didn't like it one bit.
There were a couple of new kids there: Stewie - a rat terrier maybe, and Nico - a pit bull. Jessie, a cocker spaniel, was racing and accidently smashed into Benelli, who was racing the other way. She just cried so hard that even the Doctor looked at her but she was ok and played some more after she recovered.
Java and Jody (Sheltie and Chesapeake Bay Retriever) were there for their second class. Of us older kids, PeeWee the chihuahua was there, but that's about it. Oh, and Dolly, another Yorkie, was there. She's sure feisty and she really knows how to talk to those big dogs. She's got more spunk than I do, and she moves pretty fast. We're pretty good friends and we hang out together for part of the class, usually either racing about or tusseling under a chair.
I spent some time in my "fort" this morning. Mom seemed pleased, but actually I was just rescuing my teddy bear. Teddy is now on the landing where he should be. I can't see any good reason to go back into that thing unless there's something good in it. I just don't see why I have to have a ...a...cage! Really I don't!
G'night. I'm tired. Peaches wore me out.
Love, Mary-Margaret
Kennel-Crate-Fort-Trap! (sigh)

Last night I had dinner in "fort" again, only this time just my toes were hanging in the free world. This morning, when my defenses were totally down, here's this saucer of cream cheese just sitting there. I swear I heard it call my name. I looked both ways...up and down....all around. Mom was busy at the kitchen sink. OK, I figured. OK...I'll see what happens. I put one paw in....then another.....then skootched my rear end inside. Oh YUM I LOVE CREAM CHEESE.
Well, guess what! Go on....guess! Wrong! NOTHING happened. Nothing at all. So a bit later, I look at the saucer inside the Kennel-Crate-Fort-Trap, and there's little pieces of STRING CHEESE on it. Oh my gosh....that's even better than cream cheese. I didn't even think twice about hopping inside. Again, nothing happens to me.
Maybe it's all in my head. After all, I am not an alligator. Why would anyone want to lock me inside? My imagination is getting the better of me, I think. Sarabi says it's actually called a "kennel" and SHE loves hers. Maybe I'm just being too suspicious here. Maybe it is a good place to be.
I'll keep you posted.
Happy Day, everybody! Mary-Margaret
Thursday, March 02, 2006
Puppy School Update

Here's me on my way to Puppy School today. See how excited I get? I can always tell when it's time for Class. I even sort of rock back and forth in my car seat to make the car go faster. We were at a stop light and Mom took this with her cell phone.
First - let me say that I can take care of myself. Really I can. No need for everybody to get in a dither just because some big Chesapeake something-or-other grabs my whole body with his mouth. He's JUST a baby - maybe nine weeks old or so. I can handle it. I ONLY screamed to scare him. Honest.
Second - I weigh 5.4 pounds. Sandy weighs 5.2 pounds. But he's tall for his age. He has a new room mate. Sandy's human brother is getting married and his fiancee, Nicole, has a Yorkie named "Jack" who is one year old. He came to puppy school today. He only weighs 4.5 pounds. He's got this thing about snapping at the other kids, but that's probably because he didn't go to puppy school when he was a baby. You know, it DOES make a difference.
Mom's calling me for dinner, now. See you later.
Wednesday, March 01, 2006
One Day at a Time
Had my dinner tonight in the "fort" ("crate", "trap", what-everrrrrrr!). This time Mom put it way in so I had half my body inside and half out. I had chicken again, just like last night. I ate fast because I KNOW what's coming next. I saw that "alligator" thing. I swear, if I see a chicken hanging from the roof of my "fort", I'm writing to the ASPCA. It's not good for a puppy to eat so fast, I know, but I also don't want to end up like that alligator.
This morning, we did services. We had an appointment with one guy and we were supposed to call before we went to his house. We did...twice...and he didn't answer. So we went over anyway, and his mother said he was in the shower but would we like to come in? So we did. And we had a lovely conversation with his mom about this 'n that. About ten minutes later, all freshly scrubbed, he came out to the living room and boy, was he surprised. I think he thought we were from the cable company. Reluctantly, he took the subpoena and Mom wished him a nice day, saying good-bye to his mother on our way out.
I'm getting really good at my job. "Official Greeter" is my main title, but I'm also the official distractor when I'm needed.
"Animal Precinct" is on now. The Animal Police go and rescue pups who have been mistreated. One poor dog was killed for no reason except somebody wanted to do it. That was really sad to see. Mom keeps telling me that all people aren't nice and to be careful and stuff. I've never met anyone who wasn't nice to me, so it's kind of hard to imagine. I hope I never do.
Teddy got his pajamas. Now we can be twins. :o)
G'night for now.
Love, Mary-Margaret
This morning, we did services. We had an appointment with one guy and we were supposed to call before we went to his house. We did...twice...and he didn't answer. So we went over anyway, and his mother said he was in the shower but would we like to come in? So we did. And we had a lovely conversation with his mom about this 'n that. About ten minutes later, all freshly scrubbed, he came out to the living room and boy, was he surprised. I think he thought we were from the cable company. Reluctantly, he took the subpoena and Mom wished him a nice day, saying good-bye to his mother on our way out.
I'm getting really good at my job. "Official Greeter" is my main title, but I'm also the official distractor when I'm needed.
"Animal Precinct" is on now. The Animal Police go and rescue pups who have been mistreated. One poor dog was killed for no reason except somebody wanted to do it. That was really sad to see. Mom keeps telling me that all people aren't nice and to be careful and stuff. I've never met anyone who wasn't nice to me, so it's kind of hard to imagine. I hope I never do.
Teddy got his pajamas. Now we can be twins. :o)
G'night for now.
Love, Mary-Margaret
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