Friday, June 29, 2007

Who smells like a dog now?

Not meeeeee. I got a shower this morning. Yup! Shampoo two times AND a cream rinse. And blow dried. I tell YOUUUU. I've never been so insulted in my whole life as to have TWO people that I really love tell me I smelled like a dog. Well, HELLO WORLD! Today I smell like Dove cream rinse conditioner. Woo hoo!

And I had company again. A lady came in with two little boys, maybe 6 and 4 years old? And we had everly so much fun just hanging out. They BOTH scritched my tummy and gave me belly rubs.

And Gianna came back. She had been eating some candy. It smelled pretty good to me but all I got to lick was the leftovers on her hand. Still....peppermint, I think. Was very tasty.

I got left alone again. This time so Mom could go and get fingerprinted at the police station for her Pennsylvania license. Ick. That stuff really sticks to your fingers. She told me she felt like she looked as if she'd been working on cars all day. If you knew my mom, you'd know she'd NEVER know what to do with a car if it didn't behave. It wasn't too bad this time. Jennifer took me out and we had a good time.

Then when we got home for dinner our neighbors from across the street came to visit. The youngest kid, Jordan, and me really hit it off big time. He even came over later to get something from Mom and stayed to play awhile. There was a while there that I was flat on my back in the middle of the street in absolute HEAVEN while he was giving me a belly rub. MMmmm-mmmm-mmmm! YEAH!

OK...bedtime for me. G'night everybody.


1 comment:

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Why do you need 2 baths. Well you smell nice now right..

~girl girl