Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Happy Birthday, Clancy and Cailin

This is SEPTEMBER 26th...a very special day for my cousins, Cailin and Clancy. They're TEN YEARS OLD today. My very good friend Lucie from Venezuela taught me how to bark "Happy Birfday" in Spanish. (ahem....mi mi mi mi.....)

Cumpleaños Feliz,
Cumpleaños Feliz,
Cumpleañoooos Cailin y Clancy!
Cumpleaños Felizzzzzzz

Kewl, huh? And Mom says we remember Grandpa Gene today, because it would have been his birfday, too.

Señorita Maria Margarita Obrienez


Lacy said...

woofies, mary-margaret!!! wish them a happy b-day for me too...anddd ur sooo smart...btw that video is sooo cute of u...

b safe,

Lizzy said...

Say happy birthday to them for me!


Unknown said...

You sing perfectly "Feliz Cumpleaños"!!!

Kisses dear Mary!