Thursday, July 31, 2008


This is Dr. Zeus. He's very observant.

And this is his nurse, Minou. A bit aloof, but on top of things.

This is my new friend, Bobas. She's a Yorkette like meeeeee. She's only seven months old. Isn't she pretty?

And this is Captain Jack. A bit rowdy and rude, but otherwise easy to get along with. He was getting a bit too personal for my liking, so I told him off. Ladies...if a man doesn't treat you right, nip him on the nose. Works every time.

I'm telling you....even with my collar and bling off, I'm 9.3 pounds, or so the good Dr. Bach's scale says. I must face up to my reality and take control. After all, I am the "Alpha" female in the pack. I confessed my shameful secret to my friends and here are a couple of their answers:

Oh MM honey I'm so sorry your a tub er umm a bit chunky er well you know what I mean but have no fear. This is completely your mommy's fault now try this everyday it won't be easy but your going to have to get your mommy to hang on the the top part of your leash then run like hell. Never mind if she begins to huff and puff even turn's a bit blue this is good for her. In no time at all you loose the pesky extra pounds. Bella

Hmmmmmph! And this! From my sweeet Hashimoto, no less:

Mary Margaret my sweet I know you can do it...if my fat ..whoops don't tell him I said can do it so can you...he had to loose 2.5 lbs and he did it.....we know he cheated a bit at times but he did it...its just the food you eat......We can do this together I have to loose 2 lbs too.....I should be 18 lbs and I weigh we can do this mom says we can have zucchini......!!!

Which is actually ok, because HE'S my boyfriend...but still......I did go to the "dogtor" and she thinks I have to lose TWO pounds. I agree. Even my new school uniforms don't fit me.

I think Bella has a really good idea, don't you?

PS - Auntie Yvonne entered me in a contest and I won. Whaddya think of that, huh? I didn't even know about it until after it was over. Here's the link.. It's me in my new Catholic school uniform. Woo hoo!!


MuuMuu Mary

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi Mary Margaret, this is Hallie Ann in New York and I TOTALLY understand having to lose weight. I try to tell my mom that I am just voluptuous like her and remind her that Marilyn Monroe was not a size 2. My grandma says that we special girls don't diet, we have a "management program" sounds important doesn't it? I just wrote about my weight on my blog too. Paws up! We can do this and show those stupid scales just who is boss.

Hallie "voluptuous" Ann