Saturday, January 31, 2009

Jami has PUPPIES!!

My very good friend, Jami Ramsey, had FOUR babies last night. Three were black and one was brown. Honestly, I didn't even know that she was preggers except that her's put it this way: She needed a quadruple doggie bra with large cups. Oh...I am sooo excited. I wonder if she'll let me be their "dogmother"?

The babies' father is Jami's adopted half brother Louie. I've got a video of him on my blog here somewhere back a few months. Ah yes. Here he is:

Louie is black, too, so three of the puppies look like him. Uncle Fidel says he's going to "take care of Jami" so she won't have any more worries about unwanted pregnancy after this. I think it would be very hard to have babies and have to give them up. I don't know how Jami does it.

I'll see if I can get my Uncle Fidel to take some pictures of them so we can see Jami's babies before they get adopted. Did I mention that Louie and Jami are both Chihuahuas?

That's my news for this morning.

Mary-Margaret O'Brien for Channel MMOB.

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