Jami and her daughter, Seka, came by to see me today. Seka bounces when she walks. She can bounce so high that she jumps onto the desk from the floor all by herself. She's like a doggie on a pogo stick except she does it with just her own springy feet.
Anyway....Seka was bouncing somewhere in the office while Jami and me were hanging out, just talking "girl talk".

It was a very nice visit. When Fidel (those are his legs in the picture) said it was time to go, Mom said (very nicely) "And who is going to clean up this mess?". Oh gosh! Seka had gotten into my toy box and there were "stuffies" all over. Uncle Fidel said something under his breath and picked up all the toys. He has a nice laugh. You can tell he really loves his fur babies.
Jami gets to go on a leash. When she wants to leave she picks up the end of the leash in her mouth and waits for her dad to get the idea. Seka doesn't hardly ever go on a leash, but that's because wherever Jami goes, Seka is right behind her. I'll probably get to play again on Friday when they come in.
Oh yeah! Hector next door adopted a baby dog that's maybe my size (for now). I haven't met her yet. Shannon told me about her. Remember Hector? His former dog was my VERY good friend, Zeus, who passed over to the Rainbow Bridge not that long ago. I'm glad he is honoring Zeus by adopting another pup. I'll get you pictures when I see them.
With a happy heart, I remain,
Yours Truly.....