Thank you so much for taking us to dinner last night. It got pretty interesting about the time you started stomping on Mom's feet thinking they were your shoes that you had taken off. Everybody was so very nice to try to help find your shoes. Especially that older lady that got all the way down on the floor under the table to point your toes to the correct shoes. And that little girl from the booth behind us was all ready to dive under there, too.
We had quite a crowd of really helpful people, didn't we? I just love people and I guess you do, too. You are such a kind, patient person. I just want to say that I'm everly so proud to have you as my GrandPapa. I am also glad that nobody expects me to wear shoes.
Lovingly yours,
Your Grand-Dog,
Friday, January 29, 2010
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Steamed Maine Lobster!
Me and Mom went to lunch with one of her old high school friends today. Er...well, I don't mean OLD-old. I mean...they'be been friends for maybe 50 years or so. Um...well, Diane is about 9.5 in dog years. So technically... I... probably better shut up before I get in trouble, huh? Ladies! They're so funny about age.
Anyway...back to the menu. The Enterprise Fish Company had a Maine lobster special. Now, I know I'm supposed to act indifferent to people food, and just hunker down into my little carrier and keep my yap shut. But if you've ever smelled Maine lobster, you know that's pretty hard to do.
Ahhhh! Finally some attention. And yes, I am NOT allergic to sea food (like Mom tried to tell me) and I DO everly so love lobster (as I tried to tell Mom). This is a good day for this puppy. YUMMY!!
Anyway...back to the menu. The Enterprise Fish Company had a Maine lobster special. Now, I know I'm supposed to act indifferent to people food, and just hunker down into my little carrier and keep my yap shut. But if you've ever smelled Maine lobster, you know that's pretty hard to do.
Ahhhh! Finally some attention. And yes, I am NOT allergic to sea food (like Mom tried to tell me) and I DO everly so love lobster (as I tried to tell Mom). This is a good day for this puppy. YUMMY!!
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Why we need a union!!
Poor baby Yorkie. This is exactly why us Yorks need to contact our Union representatives. And this is exactly why I learned to talk. Ye Gads, what will humans think of next??
Yorkies aren't designed for footwear! York in Boots.
My mother...MY VERY OWN MOTHER....thought this was funny! I need to have a serious heart-to-heart with her.
Yorkie Power!! Yorkies Unite!!
Mary-Margaret O'Brien
Yorkies aren't designed for footwear! York in Boots.
My mother...MY VERY OWN MOTHER....thought this was funny! I need to have a serious heart-to-heart with her.
Yorkie Power!! Yorkies Unite!!
Mary-Margaret O'Brien
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Elevator Excitement!!!
I got to ride the ELEVATOR all by myself today. Woo hoo! What fun that was! Here's how it happened.
Me and Mom (my boss) were going downstairs to see if the mail arrived. We pushed the button for the elevator on the third floor where our office is. While we were waiting, one of our clients (who is also on the third floor) started talking to Mom about business. While they were yakking, the elevator door opened and I hopped in. Next thing I know the doors are closing, I'm going down, and Mom's yelling "Come back! Come back!". (Hello? I can't stop this thing by myself?)
Meanwhile, I'm riding downstairs all alone thinking I'm pretty kewl stuff. Mom starts running down the stairs and by the time she gets to the second floor, the people that called the elevator down had already sent me back up to the third floor. I tell pays to know everyone in the building!!
I dashed off the elevator and, when I didn't see my mom, went over to the stairway and said, "Here I am!". I raced down the stairs to meet her. "Very funny!", she says. "Did you have a good time"?
Hoo...yeah! I sure did. I've been wanting to do that for the longest time but I can't reach the buttons. Now I know if I wait long enough, someone will do it for me. I am so totally stoked.
Love, Mary-Margaret
Me and Mom (my boss) were going downstairs to see if the mail arrived. We pushed the button for the elevator on the third floor where our office is. While we were waiting, one of our clients (who is also on the third floor) started talking to Mom about business. While they were yakking, the elevator door opened and I hopped in. Next thing I know the doors are closing, I'm going down, and Mom's yelling "Come back! Come back!". (Hello? I can't stop this thing by myself?)
Meanwhile, I'm riding downstairs all alone thinking I'm pretty kewl stuff. Mom starts running down the stairs and by the time she gets to the second floor, the people that called the elevator down had already sent me back up to the third floor. I tell pays to know everyone in the building!!
I dashed off the elevator and, when I didn't see my mom, went over to the stairway and said, "Here I am!". I raced down the stairs to meet her. "Very funny!", she says. "Did you have a good time"?
Hoo...yeah! I sure did. I've been wanting to do that for the longest time but I can't reach the buttons. Now I know if I wait long enough, someone will do it for me. I am so totally stoked.
Love, Mary-Margaret
Monday, January 25, 2010
Mary-Margaret - "Biker Babe"

"Little Joe"* came by our office today in his leathers. I was impressed. Leather always makes my heart flutter. I gave him lots of loves and snuggles. When he left he said I could go see his bike.
WOW!!! (I said). It's big, shiny, black and has an extra seat for MEEEEEEE! Mom and "Little Joe" even let me sit on it. Shannon took my picture, too. MaryAnne who used to be down the hall drove by and saw me on the bike. She was pretty impressed, I tell you.

Uh oh. "Little Joe" says he can't take me riding unless I have a helmet. Me? Well, I'm told they make them for little pups.....let me check my Piggy Bank and see if I have enough. Kewl. They cost maybe from $25 on up.

This is what a dog in a helmet looks like. This picture was the same on lots of different sites so it's probably ok to put it up here. I figure I could maybe find one on eBay?
There's something about a 2009 Harley Davidson Heritage that makes me swoon.
Oh, my heart be still!
*Note - "Little Joe" is "Big Joe's" son. Big Joe and Little Joe work with us to make our clients happy. They are a really good team!!
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Why We Left Work Early on Thursday
About 3:20PM Mom said we had to get outta there. It was raining pretty hard and the creek was pretty noisy.
She tossed me (literally) into my carseat and grabbed her camera. The Murrieta Creek that runs behind our office building (and is usually pretty dry) was getting higher and higher.

If you play the video you can hear the wind and the rain. Woo hoo!! Pretty scary.
Mom says the last time the creek was this high it flooded Old Town Temecula. That was back in 1993 before I was born, and before the Army Corps of Engineers decided that maybe it would be a good idea to keep the creek clear of debris. The problem was that there were "endangered species" that needed protection, and so there was a battle as to who would be more endangered...the humans or the "Least Bell's Vireo" (a little bird). Then the creek overflowed and seven humans were killed. Personally, I think the bird might have drowned anyway, but that's just me. If you look on the endangered list , Murrieta Creek isn't listed as a home for their nests anymore. Be sure to check out the link. There's even a sound byte of the little bird's song.
Least Bell's Vireo

This is what the Murrieta Creek looked like in 1993. The flood control people said: "During the two week period beginning January 5, 1993 over ten inches of rain fell on western Riverside county, resulting in seven deaths and causing more that $10 million in public property damage. Murrieta Creek flowing at a record 25,000 cubic feet per second (cfs), overflowed its banks and flooded Old Town Temecula at depths up to 5 feet resulting in $6 to 7 million in property damage. On February 3rd, the President declared the County a disaster area. "
Hmmmmm! Personally, from my perspective (which is about 12" off the ground) it looks to me like the creek was almost as high on Thursday as it was back then. And I wonder how come it took a whole month for "the President" to declare "the County a disaster area".
I guess when it comes to government things don't really change all that much.
Another "pawlitical" commentary from your reporter on the ground...
Mary-Margaret O'Brien
PS: Thank you to my GrandPapa for donating to Dink's Fund to help Baby Bear get better. All of us Yorks and Yorkettes appreciate every little penny. The link for information about Yorkshire Terrier National Rescue and Baby Bear is just below this post. Thank you to EVERYBODY who helps.
She tossed me (literally) into my carseat and grabbed her camera. The Murrieta Creek that runs behind our office building (and is usually pretty dry) was getting higher and higher.
If you play the video you can hear the wind and the rain. Woo hoo!! Pretty scary.
Mom says the last time the creek was this high it flooded Old Town Temecula. That was back in 1993 before I was born, and before the Army Corps of Engineers decided that maybe it would be a good idea to keep the creek clear of debris. The problem was that there were "endangered species" that needed protection, and so there was a battle as to who would be more endangered...the humans or the "Least Bell's Vireo" (a little bird). Then the creek overflowed and seven humans were killed. Personally, I think the bird might have drowned anyway, but that's just me. If you look on the endangered list , Murrieta Creek isn't listed as a home for their nests anymore. Be sure to check out the link. There's even a sound byte of the little bird's song.

This is what the Murrieta Creek looked like in 1993. The flood control people said: "During the two week period beginning January 5, 1993 over ten inches of rain fell on western Riverside county, resulting in seven deaths and causing more that $10 million in public property damage. Murrieta Creek flowing at a record 25,000 cubic feet per second (cfs), overflowed its banks and flooded Old Town Temecula at depths up to 5 feet resulting in $6 to 7 million in property damage. On February 3rd, the President declared the County a disaster area. "
Hmmmmm! Personally, from my perspective (which is about 12" off the ground) it looks to me like the creek was almost as high on Thursday as it was back then. And I wonder how come it took a whole month for "the President" to declare "the County a disaster area".
I guess when it comes to government things don't really change all that much.
Another "pawlitical" commentary from your reporter on the ground...
Mary-Margaret O'Brien
PS: Thank you to my GrandPapa for donating to Dink's Fund to help Baby Bear get better. All of us Yorks and Yorkettes appreciate every little penny. The link for information about Yorkshire Terrier National Rescue and Baby Bear is just below this post. Thank you to EVERYBODY who helps.
Friday, January 22, 2010
Bear needs our help!

Bear (pictured here in his Christmas photo with his sister) is eleven months old and has some serious medical problems. He needs our help. We donate my allowance and any money I find on the ground to Yorkshire Terrier National Rescue. This week we donated to "GinGin". You know I never ask you for anything, but this time....well, it's different.
Please read about Baby Bear and, if you find it in your heart to help, send whatever you can to help in off setting the cost of his treatment.
The Yorkshire Terrier National Rescue is to us Yorks like the Mayo Clinic is to you humans, or St. Jude's is to children. They treat everyone regardless of their ability to pay, and they rely almost completely on your kind donations.
Please help?
Thank you in advance....
Mary-Margaret O'Brien
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Cozy fire and buttered popcorn?
I just LOVE LOVE LOVE rain! It makes me want to get all warm and cozy and snuggly.

This is what the dry creek bed behind our office building looks like after a lollapalooza rain storm. Good thing the Army Corps of Engineers cleared the creek, huh? I wasn't born yet, but I heard that back maybe 15 years ago the creek overflowed and the whole town flooded. So did Old Town Murrieta when our office was on the corner of Ivy and Washington. Mom says it's a bit unsettling to see your office building's roof as an island in the middle of a lake on the 5 o'clock news. That was before Murrieta installed the storm drains.
Perfect timing! My new pink plaid fleece-with-sherpa-lining vest arrived from my Aunt Yvonne. I am the most comfy puppy in the whole world now.

Maybe my mom will make a fire in the fireplace and we can have buttered popcorn later? Oh, I DO hope so. I just LOVE buttered popcorn.
Kisses and snoozles....
This is what the dry creek bed behind our office building looks like after a lollapalooza rain storm. Good thing the Army Corps of Engineers cleared the creek, huh? I wasn't born yet, but I heard that back maybe 15 years ago the creek overflowed and the whole town flooded. So did Old Town Murrieta when our office was on the corner of Ivy and Washington. Mom says it's a bit unsettling to see your office building's roof as an island in the middle of a lake on the 5 o'clock news. That was before Murrieta installed the storm drains.
Perfect timing! My new pink plaid fleece-with-sherpa-lining vest arrived from my Aunt Yvonne. I am the most comfy puppy in the whole world now.
Maybe my mom will make a fire in the fireplace and we can have buttered popcorn later? Oh, I DO hope so. I just LOVE buttered popcorn.
Kisses and snoozles....
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
I am sorrowful with grief.
Please honor of my dear departed friend, Zeus the Weimaraner, my very first office pal.
He died unexpectedly on Sunday night at the age of 13 years. An examination showed that his poor old body was riddled with cancer. He was my very first friend in this building, and we remained close for the last four years. I grieve for him, and look forward to seeing him again at the Rainbow Bridge. He was an Engineer's Assistant, and worked up through last Friday. May his scent last forever.
God bless Zeus!!
Mary-Margaret O'Brien
PS - He had the most beautiful yellow eyes. He was very handsome indeed.
He died unexpectedly on Sunday night at the age of 13 years. An examination showed that his poor old body was riddled with cancer. He was my very first friend in this building, and we remained close for the last four years. I grieve for him, and look forward to seeing him again at the Rainbow Bridge. He was an Engineer's Assistant, and worked up through last Friday. May his scent last forever.
God bless Zeus!!
Mary-Margaret O'Brien
PS - He had the most beautiful yellow eyes. He was very handsome indeed.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Sissy! May all of your wishes come true. Sending lots of Yorkie licks and cuddles your way. Sophie will help me out.
PS - Mom sends her love, too!'s raining? Rule #257 in Yorkie Manual says "If it's raining, Yorkette must be allowed to sleep in!". Hello? Did you not read it?
PS - Mom sends her love, too!'s raining? Rule #257 in Yorkie Manual says "If it's raining, Yorkette must be allowed to sleep in!". Hello? Did you not read it?
Monday, January 18, 2010
Rainy Days and Mondays!
Good thing it's a holiday today. It raining REALLY hard now. Thank goodness for piddle pads on a day like this. Earlier, I was just standing there at the door waiting to go out and not paying much attention to anything except the status of the door and whether it was open or closed when my Mom says "Oh? You have to go out?".
Well, gosh. Of COURSE I do. How else am I supposed to patrol for cats, I ask? So she says (with a snicker, of course!) "OK...Go on out!". (snigger snark giggle!)
"AAAAAACK", I say, as I dash back inside. Well, thank goodness my fur doesn't shrink or I'd be in trouble. I am saturated. My feet are wet, my tail is wet. I am one very soggy puppy. And a cold one, too.
"Verrrrry funny!", I said, as I hopped into her lap. "Let's see how YOU like it, hummmmmm?". I dried my feet on her lap.
"Eeeeeeyewwwwwww", she says, "YOUR FEET ARE WET!" (and she soon discovers there's not a dry spot on me. Mind you, I was only out there for seconds!).
"HAH", I think to myself. I'll bet that's the last time she laughs at MY expense. The next time I'll bet she warns me first.
I hope you all have umbrellas, rain coats and tarps.
Today is a very good day for Facebook and playing Bejeweled. I am VERY competitive, you know. Mom's about 25,000 points ahead of me but I WILL prevail!!
Well, gosh. Of COURSE I do. How else am I supposed to patrol for cats, I ask? So she says (with a snicker, of course!) "OK...Go on out!". (snigger snark giggle!)
"AAAAAACK", I say, as I dash back inside. Well, thank goodness my fur doesn't shrink or I'd be in trouble. I am saturated. My feet are wet, my tail is wet. I am one very soggy puppy. And a cold one, too.
"Verrrrry funny!", I said, as I hopped into her lap. "Let's see how YOU like it, hummmmmm?". I dried my feet on her lap.
"Eeeeeeyewwwwwww", she says, "YOUR FEET ARE WET!" (and she soon discovers there's not a dry spot on me. Mind you, I was only out there for seconds!).
"HAH", I think to myself. I'll bet that's the last time she laughs at MY expense. The next time I'll bet she warns me first.
I hope you all have umbrellas, rain coats and tarps.
Today is a very good day for Facebook and playing Bejeweled. I am VERY competitive, you know. Mom's about 25,000 points ahead of me but I WILL prevail!!
Friday, January 15, 2010
Pardon my Pawlitics!
My Aunt Joanna sent this to me. I hope it's ok to share with you. If not, I'll probably hear about it, but I didnt' see anything that said I couldn't.
I just LOVE musicals, don't you??
Love, Mary-Margaret
I just LOVE musicals, don't you??
Love, Mary-Margaret
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
A Novel Idea
I don't read things the way most people do. Words don't mean much to me for the most part, excluding things like "dinner", "walk", "out?" and "bed time". What I DO read are smells. And someone pawsitively wrote a novel on our elevator floor.
The first time I found it I was everly so intrigued. Our elevator is maybe 4x4 feet so it's equivalent to a paperback maybe. I started at one side and snorfled over to the other, then back again and again, until I had most of it covered. Then we hit the first floor and Mom said to "Come here, Mary-Margaret!". (sigh)
I thought about it for a half-second and decided to finish the last chapter. The doors closed and I kept on "reading". I hear this "Mary-Margaret? Where ARE you?" faintly from the outside. I didn't worry much though, figuring she'd sort it all out. Then the doors open and she's standing there glaring at me. "Get OUTTA there!", she snarls. So I do.
What a waste of my time and energy. No mail in the boxes yet and we have to go back upstairs anyway. I hop back in the elevator and start about mid-way (I couldn't remember where I left off), and got almost done again when we hit the third floor. This time I am picked up and carried. Some people have no respect for us pups and our epic novels.
Lucky me! Several trips downstairs let me finish my "reading", and finally the mail came. We had a new carrier with "puppy shoes". He has two Chihuahuas and his shoes were fragrant with their scent. He visited with me a bit. I told him to tell his pups "Hi" from Mary-Margaret.
That's it for Tuesday.
As one of our clients always says: "Take care and be well!"
Love, Mary-Margaret
The first time I found it I was everly so intrigued. Our elevator is maybe 4x4 feet so it's equivalent to a paperback maybe. I started at one side and snorfled over to the other, then back again and again, until I had most of it covered. Then we hit the first floor and Mom said to "Come here, Mary-Margaret!". (sigh)
I thought about it for a half-second and decided to finish the last chapter. The doors closed and I kept on "reading". I hear this "Mary-Margaret? Where ARE you?" faintly from the outside. I didn't worry much though, figuring she'd sort it all out. Then the doors open and she's standing there glaring at me. "Get OUTTA there!", she snarls. So I do.
What a waste of my time and energy. No mail in the boxes yet and we have to go back upstairs anyway. I hop back in the elevator and start about mid-way (I couldn't remember where I left off), and got almost done again when we hit the third floor. This time I am picked up and carried. Some people have no respect for us pups and our epic novels.
Lucky me! Several trips downstairs let me finish my "reading", and finally the mail came. We had a new carrier with "puppy shoes". He has two Chihuahuas and his shoes were fragrant with their scent. He visited with me a bit. I told him to tell his pups "Hi" from Mary-Margaret.
That's it for Tuesday.
As one of our clients always says: "Take care and be well!"
Love, Mary-Margaret
Saturday, January 09, 2010
Same-O, Same-O
New Year, Old Stuff! Worked hard all week, meeting and greeting clients. I LOVE my job. I get so many belly rubs and cuddles, forget my pay check (just kidding). This is absolutely HEAVEN.
Yesterday, I went to Miss Marilyn's Puppy Day Spa (which is really called "Prime Cuts", but that sounds like a butcher shop, so my mom calls it....oh, you got the idea?!). Miss Marilyn does me up good, bubble bath - massage - pawdicure. The whole thing. Then I get snacks and a play date with whoever else is there. Always with my BFF, Madison, who looks a lot like me except she only weighs five pounds, which is about half of what I weigh.
Speaking of weight, I REALLY have to go on a diet. My clothes don't fit and...(oh gosh, I probably shouldn't tell you this, but....) the other day one of my clients asked me if I was PREGNANT. Ohhhh, the embarassment of it all. I just about rolled over and...well, actually I DID roll over, but for belly rubs. Still, it was mortifying. Me? Pregnant? As if....! I am a professional career puppy and not interested in raising a family. I have my business to take care of. Yup!! I am a single working bitch and you better not forget it. (Hold on..Mom's scowling at me. What language? That's what a girl dog is called in my world! It's NOT a bad word.)
Anyway. There you have it. My humiliation. I was feeling a little sorry for myself so Mom ordered me a new winter coat from Yvonne in pink fleece with a sherpa lining.
I'm really excited. It's actually kind of cold here in Southern California. I can use it.

If you like it, you could order one from Yvonne. See her website Yvonne's Yorkies . I didn't see this jacket on there but it's one of her newer designs. She even makes gowns for those "after five" parties if you're into that. Personally, I'd be happier in a baseball jersey, but that's just me. Or sweats. Or nothing.
Today we're just hanging out balancing check books and maybe running errands later. Dunno...don't care. I'm easy and portable.
That's it for today, Dear Diary.
Love and licks..
Saturday, January 02, 2010
My Measurements!
Woo hoo! A perfect 17-17-14-14 (that would be chest-tummy-hips-and length from my collar to my tail). I am VOL-PUP-ULOUS!!
(hee hee)
PS - My tail is 2" long, if you include the fluff at the end!)
(hee hee)
PS - My tail is 2" long, if you include the fluff at the end!)
Friday, January 01, 2010
New Year's Resolutions!
Not many pups actually make resolutions, do they? But there wasn't much else to do today except to take stock of my existence.
First off, being somewhat tired of being called "chunky" or having it observed that I enjoy my meals, I've decided to cut back on the calories. Dieting is always everyone's first resolution, and I'm no different. It's getting a bit uncomfortable to wear clothes, and my waistband extender that my Auntie Yvonne sent me for my Navy blue sailor dress has....shall we say....been overextended to the max?
Secondly, I plan on saving my money. I usually find coins in the parking lot, or under the take out windows in drive-throughs. Once I found a whole dollar bill in outside of Carrows. Sometimes my friends send me money, too (Thank you Auntie Dee and Shadow), so I now technically have about $23.00 in my piggy bank if I call in my IOU's, that is.
Thirdly, to try to appreciate my fambly more, especially my GrandPapa. I do love him everly so much and I only get to see him maybe once a month. I am going to make those visits really special. Yup. I want him to know how much he means to me. He's about 12 1/2 in dog years, you know. I suppose I should show my Mom that I appreciate her, too, but I do so enjoy yanking her chain.
Tonight she thought I was outside and made a big deal over trying to get me to come inside. She called...she walked outside on the cold concrete patio in her bare feet...she looked on both sides of the house. I know this because I was sitting on the landing of the stairway watching her, just shaking my head in wonder. HOW CAN SHE NOT SEE ME??? But I sense a possibility here, so I hunker down really flat like a lion stalking game in the jungle. I forgot to lower my ears though, so she says "AHA...I SEE YOU!". Rats (I said) and raced down the stairs to hide behind one of her silk plants by the window. When she looked again, I was gone and she got all worried that maybe she hadn't seen me at all and so she started hunting outside again.
I probably should treat her a little better, too. Oh...but it's SOOOO much FUN, you know?
So there's three good resolutions. I'll let you know how I do. She wanted to measure me around the waist and tell you my "girth". Indeed! Only if she will do the same which is not likely.
Happy New Year!!
First off, being somewhat tired of being called "chunky" or having it observed that I enjoy my meals, I've decided to cut back on the calories. Dieting is always everyone's first resolution, and I'm no different. It's getting a bit uncomfortable to wear clothes, and my waistband extender that my Auntie Yvonne sent me for my Navy blue sailor dress has....shall we say....been overextended to the max?
Secondly, I plan on saving my money. I usually find coins in the parking lot, or under the take out windows in drive-throughs. Once I found a whole dollar bill in outside of Carrows. Sometimes my friends send me money, too (Thank you Auntie Dee and Shadow), so I now technically have about $23.00 in my piggy bank if I call in my IOU's, that is.
Thirdly, to try to appreciate my fambly more, especially my GrandPapa. I do love him everly so much and I only get to see him maybe once a month. I am going to make those visits really special. Yup. I want him to know how much he means to me. He's about 12 1/2 in dog years, you know. I suppose I should show my Mom that I appreciate her, too, but I do so enjoy yanking her chain.
Tonight she thought I was outside and made a big deal over trying to get me to come inside. She called...she walked outside on the cold concrete patio in her bare feet...she looked on both sides of the house. I know this because I was sitting on the landing of the stairway watching her, just shaking my head in wonder. HOW CAN SHE NOT SEE ME??? But I sense a possibility here, so I hunker down really flat like a lion stalking game in the jungle. I forgot to lower my ears though, so she says "AHA...I SEE YOU!". Rats (I said) and raced down the stairs to hide behind one of her silk plants by the window. When she looked again, I was gone and she got all worried that maybe she hadn't seen me at all and so she started hunting outside again.
I probably should treat her a little better, too. Oh...but it's SOOOO much FUN, you know?
So there's three good resolutions. I'll let you know how I do. She wanted to measure me around the waist and tell you my "girth". Indeed! Only if she will do the same which is not likely.
Happy New Year!!
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