Thursday, June 12, 2008

A VERY Exhausting Day!

First off, when I get into my office, there is my very personal assistant, Jennifer. Mom says that she's HER assistant, but I beg to differ. It's ME that gets the belly rubs! Not Mom! Anyway, Jennifer takes very good care of me until Mom asks her if she wouldn't mind doing something. I HATE it when that happens.

But when the MAIL comes, I'm everly so surprised. My very good friend Corrine Ellison from Cutler, Indiana has sent me a box. Woo hoo! You KNOW how I love to open boxes, right?
This one is really wrapped good. I tell YOUUUUUU. I haven't had a box wrapped up this good in my whole life. I'm biting, and peeling and chewing and scratching and it just WON'T open!

So I figure maybe I'll take a little break and rest up for the next round of attacks. I can't wait to see what's in there. Corrine always sends me something really nice.

Oh yes. Did I tell you my very good friend, Jami Chihuahua, came by and had lunch with me? I think I'm getting to her. She doesn't try to bite me any more, and she actually shares my lunch with ME! Wow...I'm good at socializing her.

And speaking of socializing, me and Mom were in the market yesterday and a lady came up and started talking to me and Mom. When Mom said "Mary-Margaret", the lady went "OH...I KNOW MARY-MARGARET! From PUPPY School!", and it turns out me and her pup, MaggieMoo, both went to Puppy School at the same time at the same place, with Miss Letty. How cool is that, huh?

That's all for now....oh, except....Aunt Shelly? I wanted to let you know that we've been working really hard lately. Lots of people are getting sued and disappearing and you know that's what we do best - finding and serving people. By the time we get home we're pretty tired, but I got Mom to promise she'd try harder to post more often. We LOVE you!!

And we LOVE all of our readers, too!

Mary-Margaret O'Brien


Lacy said...

w00f's MM, heehee u got it made at work...all those belly rubs...

b safe,

Anonymous said...

You sure do a better job with those boxes than I can. I'm 10 so my energy isn't what it used to be...


♥Mona + Prissy + Angel Weenie♥ said...

Me and the Mommy was just stopping by to say hello. We are so sorry to hear about BityBit. It hurts the Mommy so much to hear about little ones being takem away so soon. The Moomy wants also to thank your family for what all they do for Yorkie rescue. You know I was adopted from DROH and the Mommy still helps out even though we can't foster anymore. We wish every dog bred had a rescue grouup but sadly there aren't.

Love your "are we there yet picture"


Joanie said...

Well, what was in the package, you lucky girl?

Wuffstuff said...

As a Yorkshire born man myself I have great appreciation of the breed. They're such great characters.

Hi from, the social network for dog owners and dog lovers.

We're looking for members with quality dogs and 'tails' to add stuff to our site. We had 2 Yorkies ourselves - grey and Tinkie. Sadly missed.

Hope you have time to have a look at us.

