Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Lunch with Jami

My VERY good friend, Ms. Jami Ramsey, came by for lunch again today. She's teaching me Spanish; I'm teaching her manners. She never had classes in etiquette, so I have become her unofficial mentor. She's really attached to her dad, my "Uncle" Fidel, and he can't even leave the office without her getting really upset, whimpering, and hopping on top of Jennifer's desk.

I got out my new baby doll from MaryElizabeth and Corrine and played chase with it. Naturally, I won every time. I thought Jami might like to play, too, but she's still pretty shy and reserved. My baby is a "stuffie", like GirlGirl Hamsterrier says. They're good to have and they don't argue much.

Mom can't find her glasses. Had them on top of her head in the market and when we got home, they were gone. I guess we'll have to get some new ones for her. She can kind of see a little with her old ones, but not as good as she should. She says she's not worried. She needed new ones anyway and this is just God's way of getting her into the eye doctor. Otherwise, knowing her, it could be months before she gets around to getting her exam.

Mom went to court today and I had to go home for a couple of hours. She says it would be too stressful for me. But it wasn't so bad, she says. She was first case called, the defendant deadbeat didn't show, and she got her judgment against him. Easiest case she's ever had, she says.

That's it for now. Any typos can be directly attributed to the fact that she can only see somewhat out of one eye. Tsk.

Love, Mary-Margaret

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