Well, drat! I got a nifty smelling little package in the mail today from my very good friend, Lucie, all the way from either Venezuela, Florida or someplace in the Caribbean. Not sure, but I ripped that thing open in no time flat. MMMMMMM....I was swooning with joy, my tastebuds all a-twitter...! CHOCOLATE! I SMELL CHOCOLATE. I got that package open and saw what looked like a Willie Wonka golden ticket...make that TWO Willie Wonka golden tickets...sticking out. "MINE MINE MINE", I said, as Mom and Mary-Ann-From-Down-The-Hall snatched them away from me.
"Huh?", I said. "But those are....m..m..m...MINE!" Arrrrrrghh...sometimes I just hate being a puppy. Then I get to hear both Mom and Mary-Ann give me the schpiel on how chocolate isn't good for dogs and how it'll make me sick or maybe even poison me. Even my VERY good friend, Lynda, with which whom I stayed while Mom was in Germany, came by and said "Oh, NOOO! Chocolate will give her the trots!".

Well, HOW DO THEY KNOW??? I think I should check it out on Snopes.com and see. I think it's just a great big conspiracy hatched by the HUMANS to keep chocolate all to themselves. I think I shall do some investigating on this. I know (by way of grapevine) that my Great Uncle Roger, a Silkie Terrier, even unwrapped all the christmas candy one year and ate every last bite and he lived to be really old and had lots of children.
Yup. I think I will do some research. Us pups need to debunk this Chocolate Conspiracy once and for all.
I'll keep you posted.