Well, finally. Mom put the link to my Grandpapa's web page in my sidebar. See? On the right hand side? "Photon-Nonphoton Universe", if you want to know about it. "Big Bang", "Little Bang"......from where I sit, I don't give a flying fig about HOW I got here. I just care that I AM here. You know?
What have I been doing? Addressed to all of you who wrote my mom wondering, that is. I have been doing what the good Lord meant me to do. Like...keeping my mom company, picking up after her when she drops things (like bits of bagel or other yummies), snuggling with her at night to keep her and me warm, giving her sweet little puppy kisses when she's "on the edge" after a long and hard day. You know.....stuff like that.
Today, we changed the sheets and did laundry and updated one of Mom's websites so people could download her work orders right from the site, and in a bit after we have lunch, we're going to the office.
While I was helping her change sheets and getting all comfy on the newly-made bed, I commented that she hadn't taken any pictures of me for a while. I always photograph better when I'm relaxed, you know? So she gets out the camera and I give her my best side, and she goes, "EYE BOOOGERS!". Aw, shoot. What that means is that I will get picked up from my very comfortable position, and she will (yuckie yick!) pick the crusty little pieces of dried tears from the spot where my eye meets my nose. "EEEEYEEWWW!", I said, but what's a pup to do, huh? Rest assured that my face is now clean. Oh GOODY!!
So much for my Saturday morning.
I love you all...