Sunday, August 10, 2008

Bye Bye, Chair!

Well, "Sweet Niblets"!! Mom actually took that rocking chair apart and took it back. I'm impressed. She also fixed the garage door ALL BY HERSELF. I supervised, of course. Once she figured out that she spent about $230 on a chair that felt like a torture device, she got busy with the screwdriver. AFTER we took it back, it turns out we spent more like $260 ($178.xx for the chair PLUS $80.xx on "shipping and handling"). My left paw!!

I tell youuuuuu, the internet shopping sites get you coming and going, especially Target. We paid $14.99 each for 2 pillows, but they charged us twice for shipping. Their excuse? Oh Puleeeeze! They shipped from two different locations? Uh....I don' theeeeenk so. I told Mom to call and get the charges reversed. She did and they did. Nice thing about Target is that they will reverse outrageous charges if you catch them on it. case you don't watch "Hannah Montana", "Sweet Niblets!" is one of her favorite sayings. Not that I watch...much. Ok...maybe a little more than once in a while. Well, she was a pretty interesting kid before she got all famous. Now she's an up and coming Spitney Brears or Lonesy Linhan....whateverrrrrrr!

We finally got all our scheduled stuff done and yesterday we just crashed on the new sofa. We dozed off and the DOORBELL rang. "Wha..? Huh? Who?", we both jumped up and plotzed over to the door. It was Matt wanting to see where we wanted the address sign put.

Since definitely no one else would be coming by, we curled up on the couch again (it's REALLY comfy, by the way!), fell asleep, and ...dang it... the PHONE rings. Mom thinks it's a universal plot to keep her blood pressure up. I think we should unplug the phone and not try to analyze the whole thing. Takes up too much brain space, if you ask me. we leave Pennsylvania for a while. I'll really miss my pals, the chipmunks, the ground hogs, the squirrels, my new buddies Scarlett and Rhett, Abbey Mia and Harper, and my boyfriend, Hashimoto. Like the Governator says "We'll be baaa-aaack!"

Love and snoozles...


PS - About "The Singing Pig", we'll post the video when we get to a computer that moves faster than this one. You know it took us almost two hours just to read our email, and post to my diary? We'd never get the video up. We tried day before yesterday but gave up after about three hours. It must have gotten stuck or something.


Becky said...

Scooter says "Arf" Mary-Margaret!!

Lacy said...

w00f's MM, glad u got ur chair and garage door thingy fixdid....bloggers been grumpy lately to ever one of us...

b safe,