Our telephone AND internet weren't working. We had been on hold on our cell phone with Time Warner for 35 minutes when Mom noticed the time. She didn't want you to worry so she figured she had time to call you quickly and say "hello...I'll call you later". In that period of time, they must have answered and she lost the call. She was not very happy.
The phone and internet are back on now. You know the MOST annoying part? All the time she's on hold she has to listen to an advertisement about how GREAT Time Warner is with their phone and internet service.
Not very bright, if you ask me!!
Monday, August 29, 2011
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Good Friends and Bar-B-Q

Here's me with one of my newest best friends, Athena Maria Dugmore and her mom, MaryElizabeth. We went to MaryElizabeth's mother's house yesterday for barbeque. Mostly I played with AthenaMaria. We played "chase", "sneaky pounce", and for a while we were explorers on an expedition into deepest darkest master bedroom. Lots of good stuff in there.

This is MaryElizabeth's mother, Connie. She's absolutely amazing. She's about 7 years older than my Grandpa. She tells funny stories, and she laughs a lot, and her family is from Lithuania. She and my mom had a lot of things in common that they either remembered or were told by their grandmothers and great grandmothers. One of the things they had for dinner was Lithuanian potato pancakes topped with sour cream. My mom said they were the best thing she's ever had. I passed on the pancakes but AthenaMaria and I did have a little rib-eye. Good stuff.

We hung out and visited some more before dessert. I was stuffed and so was Connie so we both passed on dessert, too, but Mom and MaryElizabeth had some fresh home made from SCRATCH apple pie with BaskinRobbins 31 flavors vanilla ice cream. Mom says that's the way vanilla ice cream is supposed to taste. She's been buying the frozen stuff out of the market freezer but they're either too sweet or too fatty tasting. This BaskinRobbins place makes it the way she remembers it from when she was little. I guess we'll be hunting for a 31 Flavors store now.
Thank you for having us over, MaryElizabeth. We had the BEST TIME EVER!!!
Mary-Margaret "See you at the Yorkie Ball" O'Brien
PS - The Yorkshire Terrier National Ball is in Nashville, TN on October 13-16, 2011. It's the annual charity event that caps off the Yorkie social season, and all proceeds go to Yorkshire Terrier National Rescue, Inc. Hope to see you all there. Scroll down the link to learn more about our Ball!!! (NOTE - This is the ONLY time you will EVER see MEEEEE in an evening gown!)
The Golden Rule - August 28, 2011

(another installment in the Yorkie Brigade Chapel Series)
Welcome, everyone.
Before we start today, let's say a prayer for our dogthren and birdthren ...ok, and cathren, too....who are in the path of Hurricane Irene and who are in danger of losing their homes, their belongings, and for those who are afraid because they've never seen anything quite like this storm before. We ask that God hold their paws and talons and grant them peace and serenity so that they may get through this storm.
(a moment's silence)
Now...today we talk about the Golden Rule - "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you!". (My sister used to say it as "Do unto others before they do it to you" when she was really little and we still laugh about that). But seriously.....we want to treat other people they way we would like to be treated.
In the Bible, in Luke 6:27-36, it says:
[27] "But I tell you who hear me: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, [28] bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you. [29] If someone strikes you on one cheek, turn to him the other also. If someone takes your cloak, do not stop him from taking your tunic. [30] Give to everyone who asks you, and if anyone takes what belongs to you, do not demand it back. [31] Do to others as you would have them do to you.
[32] "If you love those who love you, what credit is that to you? Even 'sinners' love those who love them. [33] And if you do good to those who are good to you, what credit is that to you? Even 'sinners' do that. [34] And if you lend to those from whom you expect repayment, what credit is that to you? Even 'sinners' lend to 'sinners,' expecting to be repaid in full. [35] But love your enemies, do good to them, and lend to them without expecting to get anything back. Then your reward will be great, and you will be sons of the Most High, because he is kind to the ungrateful and wicked. [36] Be merciful, just as your Father is merciful.
If you are invited to the dog park for a play date, it's ok to feel a little shy. But instead of thinking about how shy you are, concentrate on making the other pups feel welcome. I guarantee you that if you focus on showing the others a good time by sharing your ball or your frisbee or your treats, you will forget about yourself in no time at all. You will be having such a great time helping the other pups you'll stop thinking about how shy you are.
We teach our puppies that they must learn first to follow before they can be good leaders. Humans learn that they have to start at the bottom and learn their business before they can advance and be promoted. We show others how we expect to be treated in this world by example, and treating them the way we would like to be treated ourselves.
This week, let's all practice giving without expecting anything in return. I think you'll be unexpectedly surprised at all you will receive instead.
Now, let's turn to our neighbors and wag/fluff with all we've got to show our love and friendship. Cats who are currently shedding are excused today, and may simply lift a paw instead.
On your way out, please stop by the Kindergarten Puppies' table. They've been very busy dying cashews for their latest art project. We all love cashews (unsalted, of course) and we assure you that despite the bright colors, they are totally edible and safe. Spring water available from the garden hose if you get thirsty. The Ladies of the Leather Collar and the Knights of Pawlumbus should be back next week.
Blessings....and Nuts to You!
Mary-Margaret O'Brien
Lt. Chaplain - Yorkie Brigade Chapel
"Yorkie prayers are Angel's wishes!"
"Pups for PPL"
"A dog has lots of friends because he wags his tail and not his tongue." Anonymous
Saturday, August 27, 2011
Wall Street Journal on Playboy Bunnies

WSJ on Playboy Bunnies
Why is it that when someone is interviewed, the quote is read back intact, and it STILL gets tweaked by the time it hits the news stand?? Mom said "customer's key", not "club card"! They didn't have cards back in those days!
Anyway....like Mom says...this isn't who she is, it's what she did for a year of her life and it was great fun. Don't believe a thing Gloria Steinem says. Bunnies were treated with great respect. And if anyone DARED to even "touch a Bunny", their key was confiscated and they were booted from the club. There were room directors and managers everywhere to keep the ladies safe, and the club had a direct line to the police department in case anyone really got out of hand. Bunnies performed charity work and entertained troops, appeared in parades and on television, too.

Gloria Steinem contributed a lot to Women's Liberation, but is totally delusional when it comes to Playboy and their treatment of the Bunnies.

PS - For the record, Playmates (girls in the magazine) are NOT the same as Bunnies who were the untouchable fantasy "girls next door".
Happy Weekend!
Mary-Margaret "Playboy Doggie" O'Brien
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Toes and Bellies
We went to see Miss Cathleen today. Mom's toes are now a lovely shade of lavender with an iridescent glow. (snort) Humans are weird. I went on a really long walk with Miss Cathleen and totally re-marked my territory. Then she gave me a nice bowl of cold water and I had a lovely afternoon nap. When it came time to leave, Mom walked over to the door and said "Come here, Mary-Margaret!".
Uh....I don't theeeenk so. Someone forgot part of my routine. I walked over to Miss Cathleen and stood by where she keeps her mango smelling lotion. All of a sudden the ladies said "Oh my goodness....we forgot your belly rub!". Miss Cathleen picked me up and flipped me over and I had the absolutely everly most SUMPTUOUS lotion filled belly rub ever.
I have my routine down pat even if the humans forget. I will remind them.
I smell absolutely odorificiously mangoish.
Uh....I don't theeeenk so. Someone forgot part of my routine. I walked over to Miss Cathleen and stood by where she keeps her mango smelling lotion. All of a sudden the ladies said "Oh my goodness....we forgot your belly rub!". Miss Cathleen picked me up and flipped me over and I had the absolutely everly most SUMPTUOUS lotion filled belly rub ever.
I have my routine down pat even if the humans forget. I will remind them.
I smell absolutely odorificiously mangoish.
Sunday, August 21, 2011
The Beauty of Mathematics
Dear Grandpa - We thought you'd like this. Please watch it all the way through.
Your Grand Dogger....
Mary-Margaret O'Brien
Your Grand Dogger....
Mary-Margaret O'Brien
Saturday, August 20, 2011
Smile and say "I Love You!" - August 21, 2011

Welcome Welcome WELCOME!! I think we need to order more pews, and a couple of perches. I see a couple of parrots out there today.
Every Sunday we make a point of turning to our neighbors and wagging our tails as a sign of peace. Today I want to talk about showing signs of peace, love and friendship whenever we get an opportunity.
We went to MaryElizabeth's Dad's Memorial Mass on Friday morning. It was a solemn reminder of how unpredictable and fragile life is. We met Patti and Richard there - Eleanor's mom and dad. I have to say that they are just the nicest people, and Richard looks absolutely wonderful. He has twinkly eyes, and they both have the warmest smiles.
The church hall was packed with friends and family. FORTY-TWO of the people attending, I was told, were family and I know that's just those who made it to the West Coast to pay their respects. There was easily over a hundred people there...and two Yorkettes (who were both amazingly well behaved) – me and AthenaMaria Dugmore.
MaryElizabeth's nephew Zach (Zak? Zac?) created an absolutely beautiful montage of photographs tracing Bill's life from when he was a young man in the service, through his wedding, children, anniversaries.....all those important moments.....and we couldn't take our eyes away. Funerals are a celebration of life, and a reminder to us all that we are only on loan to each other for a brief moment in time. We all really belong to God.
Mom wept, laughed, smiled and hugged and for a couple of hours, feeling as if we were part of this wonderful loving family. They are all truly blessed to have each other. Mom then decided to and contact the members of our immediate family for positively no reason other than to say "I love you!". Who knows if those will be the last words she says to them?
She called two of her three brothers as she said she was going to do. The youngest one still had a message on his voice mail from last Tuesday. She left him a message saying that she just called to say she loved him. That should freak him out.
Then she called her other brother, the oldest of the three, and he immediately wanted to know what was wrong with her...or did she know something about him that she wasn't telling him about. "Nope...I just called to say I love you, because you never know if those will be the last words you say to someone!". And he started talking...and they actually had a conversation. He NEVER has a conversation. He's very cerebral and is a professor and ...well, he just doesn't talk much. Finally, his dinner was ready and he said he had to go. Before he hung up he said "I love you very much, too!". It made Mom a little tearful as neither of us remember hearing that before.
I'm glad she called them. The third brother, the middle one, has been sick and she’s been talking to him for the past few weeks on and off. She told him she loved him, too, a couple of days ago. He thought we should say that to each other more than once a year. I agree with him.
And finally, we got a nice email from my Aunt Jackie in response to our voice mail message to Mom’s youngest brother.. She and Mom talked a long time today and caught up on stuff, and when they were ready to hang up they both said “I love you!”.
All it takes is one person to smile and other people smile back. And it takes one person to say “I love you!” and pretty soon, every one else is saying it too. And it becomes easier and easier to say each time.
Now….turn to your neighbors and wag your tails as a sign of peace and friendship. We do this every Sunday and it’s becoming a habit. When you leave chapel, wherever you go……muster up the biggest smile you can and flash it to everyone you see. Your goal is to get them to smile back, and your hope is that they will pass that on to someone else.
On your way out, please help yourself to some Pupperoni rolls and Cheez-its. The scouts are away on a camp out and the Kindergarten pups are assisting in the pre-school class this morning. The Ladies of the Leather Collar and the Knights of Pawlumbus are away on retreat, so we just put out some snacks and you're all on the honor system today.
Blessings to you all
Mary-Margaret O'Brien
Yorkie Brigade Chapel
"From a Yorkie's lips to God's ear"
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Dear Grandpa....
Mom wanted to update you on Nick. We called him last night. He said he got out of the hospital a week ago Saturday and that he and Sharon were staying at a home in Templeton where they are babysitting some pups. He said he would go back to San Simeon tomorrow.
He also said that he's much better, even better than he was before he got so sick. He said his lymph nodes were shrinking and he was feeling much peppier. Maybe it's all for the best. At least that's what I tell people - that they should just let God handle this stuff and quit worrying about trying to control their lives.
Anyway...I'll talk to you tonight, or Mom will. I have trouble holding the receiver what with not having thumbs and all. I need to have it put on speaker phone for me.
Love and kisses...
Your Grand Dogger...
He also said that he's much better, even better than he was before he got so sick. He said his lymph nodes were shrinking and he was feeling much peppier. Maybe it's all for the best. At least that's what I tell people - that they should just let God handle this stuff and quit worrying about trying to control their lives.
Anyway...I'll talk to you tonight, or Mom will. I have trouble holding the receiver what with not having thumbs and all. I need to have it put on speaker phone for me.
Love and kisses...
Your Grand Dogger...
Sunday, August 14, 2011
"God's Will Be Done" - Sunday, 8/14/11

(another installment in the Yorkie Brigade Chapel series)
Good Morning...Good Morning! Glad to see you all here dressed in your casual go-to-beach wear on this absolutely beautiful day. We have two very special guest speakers today - Gizzie and Buffie from Miami Beach:
Please welcome Gizzie and Buffie to the podium. They have a very inspirational message for us.
Gizzie? Buffie?
(applause...clap clap clap...."Woo Hoo"...."Quack quack"...."cluck...cluck" (Ah....I see Graham Quacker and Diana Duck are accompanied by a group of chickens today)....."arf arf"....)
(Gizzie and Buffie, after climbing the steps to the microphone, clear their throats and begin to speak in unison)
Toni was looking for what wasn't really lost, and she found what she wasn't looking for. As a result, a group of people got a spiritual boost they weren't expecting.
Toni, who conducts a Bible study in a drug and alcohol rehabilitation clinic in Alaska, was looking for her husband’s missing driver’s license. As she retraced his steps from the previous day, she visited a hospital. The missing license wasn't there, but a Christian high school chorale was, and Toni was touched by their worshipful singing. She asked the director if the teens could sing for her Bible-study group that evening. They could, and they did, —bringing hope, joy, and God’s love through music and post-concert conversation to some folks trying to put their lives back together.
Oh, and that driver’s license? Toni found it on a chair when she got back home. Apparently, the only reason she went out that day was so God could direct her to hear a bunch of teens who could minister to her rehab group.
When God guides us (Prov. 16:9), He works in ways we can't predict. He can use even our inconveniences to bring honor to His name. When we face a seeming nuisance in our day, perhaps we should look not just for what we think we want but also for what God has for us that day.
Between the circumstance and me,
A Father’s loving hand
Is working all things for my good—
All moves at His command. —Anon
(Gizzie and Buffie nod their heads to the congregation indicating that their presentation is over)
(YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYY..."Very well done"..........bark bark..woof...............QUACK!!!....cluck......a cacaphony of praises fill the chapel)
Thank you SOOO much, you two. You both always have something inspirational for us to think about.
Earlier today my Mom was talking to my oldest sister who was saying that time flies so quickly and she doesn't know if she'll have enough time to accomplish all the things she wants to do in the time given to her. I told my Mom to tell her that she will always have enough time to accomplish what God wants her to do.
God has a plan and, as Gizzie and Buffie illustrated, His plans will take precedence over ours 100% of the time.
We ask that you bow your heads and take a moment to remember the pups and humans that we have lost this past week, and that a prayer be said for the transition of their souls from this world to their forever home. We also pray for peace for those who are left behind, and we ask that the Lord help them find comfort and solace in his everlasting love.
(silence for a moment)
Bacon protein cheeseburger sliders on the patio with kibble salad and Spring water slurpees, all prepared by our Ladies of the Leather Collar and, at the barbeque, our Knights of Pawlumbus (formerly Clawumbus but too many of the Bulldogs, Pekinese and Boxers had trouble pronouncing it). Enjoy enjoy!!
Before you race out the door, please turn to your neighbors as wag your tails as a sign of peace, love and friendship. Despite any disagreements we may have with each other, we are first and foremost united in our love of Dognamity. Today is the first day of the rest of our lives. We can't change the past but we can choose the path we will follow beginning today.
Mary-Margaret O'Brien
Lt. Chaplain - Yorkie Brigade Chapel
"Yorkie prayers are Angel's wishes!"
"Pups for PPL"
"A dog has lots of friends because he wags his tail and not his tongue." Anonymous
Saturday, August 13, 2011
Sure Cure for the Oopsies!
Ugh! All those turns and twisties in the road on Camp Pendleton. It's sure a pretty place with the hills, lakes and meadows but it's awful on a puppy's digestive tract. I made it all the way back to Fallbrook and then "kablooey". First off Mom noticed I was sitting upright and squished way into a corner of my carseat. Well, I didn't want to get any barf on MEEEE. What else would you do?
Mom pulled over and cleaned up my car seat, my jacket and my leash, gave me some water and some loving, and then we kept going. She'll need to take the car into the car wash later. It smells pretty much like doggie barf....and after a day in the heat, it's like pretty baked in, I think.
Here's me today. I have a slight headache so I cleared the couch of it's arrangement of cushions and crawled underneath a couple. It always helps to put a pillow on your head if you aren't feeling well.
After about an hour, I decided to see if it helped my tummy, too. Yup! It does. I think I'll feel much better tomorrow. Today I'm just going to take it easy.
PS - Grandpa - when I go play outside I get burrs...you know, little round stickers...in my fur. And then I get on the back of Mom's chair and those burrs sort of migrate into her hair. Lately there have been a lot of stickery things in the back yard so between plucking them off me and pulling them out of her hair, we're pretty busy before we go to bed. The word she was saying was "STICKERS".
Your Grand Dogger,
Mary-Margaret O'Brien
Mom pulled over and cleaned up my car seat, my jacket and my leash, gave me some water and some loving, and then we kept going. She'll need to take the car into the car wash later. It smells pretty much like doggie barf....and after a day in the heat, it's like pretty baked in, I think.

Here's me today. I have a slight headache so I cleared the couch of it's arrangement of cushions and crawled underneath a couple. It always helps to put a pillow on your head if you aren't feeling well.

After about an hour, I decided to see if it helped my tummy, too. Yup! It does. I think I'll feel much better tomorrow. Today I'm just going to take it easy.
PS - Grandpa - when I go play outside I get burrs...you know, little round stickers...in my fur. And then I get on the back of Mom's chair and those burrs sort of migrate into her hair. Lately there have been a lot of stickery things in the back yard so between plucking them off me and pulling them out of her hair, we're pretty busy before we go to bed. The word she was saying was "STICKERS".
Your Grand Dogger,
Mary-Margaret O'Brien
Sunday, August 07, 2011
Two more installments in YBC
Oops...I forgot to post last Sunday's inspirational message in our Yorkie Brigade Chapel series. First, I'll post today's message:
Sunday - August 7, 2010 - "Mind Cleaning"
Good morning and Happy Sunday!! It's sure been a week, hasn't it? We have so many memories, thoughts and ideas floating around in our heads that it's time to do some "house cleaning".
Our guest speaker today is Aida Spaulding, our Assistant Pastor Neeko S Spaulding's little sister. Although she's pretty new to our Chapel and quite young, she's got a lot of wisdom that she'd like to share with us this morning.
So...without further ado (or adieu?), please allow me to introduce Miss Aida Spaulding. Aida?
(clap clap...applause..."Wooo wooo " (from the Siberian Huskies)...."YAYYYYY, Aida!"....and she steps to the microphone) and speaks:
Keeping only the good memories :o)
My name is Princess Aida Chi-Chi Spaulding and I'm so honored to be up here today speaking in front of this pawsome congregation. My brother Neeko's encouraging words convinced me that I can do this since I'm kind of a shy girl.
I moved in with my forever family on July 3rd of this year after being rescued by wonderful MaryElizabeth and being fostered by wonderful Mama Corrine. I'll forever be grateful for their unlimited kindness, for saving me and for giving me a second chance on life.
Many past memories understandably have a great influence on our lives and determine how we are feeling now. My past does not have many good memories and because of that, I'm still learning to trust Humans.
My pawsome brother Neeko told me that in life is very important to keep only the good memories and discard the bad ones. I have to admit that when I moved in with my new family, we were emptying the trash cans a lot... My new Pawrents were busy "cleaning" any lingering unwanted memories of mine.
God must love me very much though because He blessed me with a wonderful forever family. I feel loved, adored and respected and know that no matter what, they will forever be here for me.
Thank You dear Lord for my many blessings!
Well, good thing that I'm getting rid of all the unwanted memories because let me tell you... the pawsome ones are just pouring in. Now I understand why Neeko told me to keep only the good ones because in my new family, you need lots and lots of room for them :o)
I would like to conclude today with this quote that I thought was adequate:
“What you need to know about the past is that no matter what has happened, it has all worked together to bring you to this very moment. And this is the moment you can choose to make everything new. Right now.” ~ Author Unknown
Thank you all again for having me here and let us all remember not to dwell on the past and keep only the good memories :o)
Aida ♥
(applause applause - more whistles and "woos".....and the congregation rises to give a standing ovation...Aida blushes demurely and smiles....)
Thank you so very much for that, Miss Aida. Very wise words, indeed. Even Shakespawre wrote in his "Julius Ceasar" that "The evil that men do lives after them; the good is oft interred with their bones!". If we cast out the bad and the negative thoughts and do as you suggest, perhaps it will be the GOOD that will prevail instead.
Let's embrace each other in love and friendship today. Make room for the happy thoughts and squeeze out the others. We are gathered here today for positive inspiration. We should all make a vow to follow Aida's example - to "forgive and forget", and to move on with sunshine and smiles in our hearts.
Please take a moment to remember those of our parish who have passed on this last week, and pray that their lives will not be in vain. We pray for the families and friends of those they left behind, and ask that they all continue their quest to encourage and assist the humans who continue to look for reasons and cures for the horrible diseases that have befallen these members of our community.
Please turn to your neighbors and pew mates and wag your tails or fluff your feathers as a sign of your commitment to everlasting peace and love.
The Ladies of the Leather Collar and the Knights of Clawumbus have joined together today and they invite you to a noon-time barbeque of spare ribs (ones that weren't needed, apparently), and Boston bulldog baked beans ("The musical fruit - the more you eat, the more you toot!", according to our Kindergarten class, anyway)
And here is the one from last week. Gosh, Mom is such a ditz these days. And she keeps falling asleep at her desk, or in her big leather chair, and one time....even started snoozing at a traffic light. I've taking to talking to her to the point she'd like to throttle me. But if it keeps her awake, I guess it's good.
OK..enough about that. Here's last weeks:
"Funk Day" - July 31, 2011
Welcome, welcome everyone. Boy, that week went fast, didn’t it?
Today was our “Funk Day”. That means that we give ourselves permission to be introspective, feel sorry for ourselves, pout a little if we feel like it, and nap whenever we choose, or watch movies all day. I kinda like Funk Day. No pressure, no stress. Tomorrow we are programmed to un-Funk, and get back on track.
God made the whole universe in 6 days and on the 7th, even he rested. Following his example, we rested on the 7th day, too. There’s a lot of good stuff in the Bible like that.
My secretary is still resting and I’m not having much luck in firing her up to take dictation tonight. I’m going to use something that I personally find inspirational. The original author is unknown, but several have tweaked it a bit and tacked their name onto it. This version is still anonymous, as far as we know:
People are often unreasonable, illogical, and self-centered;
Forgive them anyway.
If you are kind, People may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives;
Be kind anyway.
If you are successful, You will win some false friends and some true enemies;
Succeed anyway.
If you are honest and frank, People may cheat you;
Be honest and frank anyway.
What you spend years building, Someone could destroy overnight;
Build anyway.
If you find serenity and happiness, There may be jealousy;
Be happy anyway.
The good you do today, People will often forget tomorrow;
Do good anyway.
Give the world the best you have, And it may never be enough;
Give the world the best you've got anyway.
You see in the final analysis, It is between you and God;
It was never between you and them anyway.
Today I’m told we have some caramel kibble clusters at the treat table in the garden. The Kindergarten Puppies assembled them during their cooking class. They would be here to serve you but it takes a lot of soap and warm water to get caramel out of fur so they asked the Fachsie Dachsie Brownie Troop #411 to stand in for them. They hope you like your treats and you forgive their absence.
Please turn to your neighbors and wag your tails or fluff your feathers as a sign of peace and love.
Thank you for your continued presence at our Sunday Inspirational Services.
(PS - since this appeared I've been told it's originally from Mother Theresa and not to worry about being sued or anything. Mother Theresa would be happy that we got her word out!)
Mary-Margaret O'Brien
Lt. Chaplain - Yorkie Brigade Chapel
"Yorkie prayers are Angel's wishes!"
"Pups for PPL"
"A dog has lots of friends because he wags his tail and not his tongue." Anonymous
Sunday - August 7, 2010 - "Mind Cleaning"
Good morning and Happy Sunday!! It's sure been a week, hasn't it? We have so many memories, thoughts and ideas floating around in our heads that it's time to do some "house cleaning".
Our guest speaker today is Aida Spaulding, our Assistant Pastor Neeko S Spaulding's little sister. Although she's pretty new to our Chapel and quite young, she's got a lot of wisdom that she'd like to share with us this morning.
So...without further ado (or adieu?), please allow me to introduce Miss Aida Spaulding. Aida?
(clap clap...applause..."Wooo wooo " (from the Siberian Huskies)...."YAYYYYY, Aida!"....and she steps to the microphone) and speaks:
Keeping only the good memories :o)
My name is Princess Aida Chi-Chi Spaulding and I'm so honored to be up here today speaking in front of this pawsome congregation. My brother Neeko's encouraging words convinced me that I can do this since I'm kind of a shy girl.
I moved in with my forever family on July 3rd of this year after being rescued by wonderful MaryElizabeth and being fostered by wonderful Mama Corrine. I'll forever be grateful for their unlimited kindness, for saving me and for giving me a second chance on life.
Many past memories understandably have a great influence on our lives and determine how we are feeling now. My past does not have many good memories and because of that, I'm still learning to trust Humans.
My pawsome brother Neeko told me that in life is very important to keep only the good memories and discard the bad ones. I have to admit that when I moved in with my new family, we were emptying the trash cans a lot... My new Pawrents were busy "cleaning" any lingering unwanted memories of mine.
God must love me very much though because He blessed me with a wonderful forever family. I feel loved, adored and respected and know that no matter what, they will forever be here for me.
Thank You dear Lord for my many blessings!
Well, good thing that I'm getting rid of all the unwanted memories because let me tell you... the pawsome ones are just pouring in. Now I understand why Neeko told me to keep only the good ones because in my new family, you need lots and lots of room for them :o)
I would like to conclude today with this quote that I thought was adequate:
“What you need to know about the past is that no matter what has happened, it has all worked together to bring you to this very moment. And this is the moment you can choose to make everything new. Right now.” ~ Author Unknown
Thank you all again for having me here and let us all remember not to dwell on the past and keep only the good memories :o)
Aida ♥
(applause applause - more whistles and "woos".....and the congregation rises to give a standing ovation...Aida blushes demurely and smiles....)
Thank you so very much for that, Miss Aida. Very wise words, indeed. Even Shakespawre wrote in his "Julius Ceasar" that "The evil that men do lives after them; the good is oft interred with their bones!". If we cast out the bad and the negative thoughts and do as you suggest, perhaps it will be the GOOD that will prevail instead.
Let's embrace each other in love and friendship today. Make room for the happy thoughts and squeeze out the others. We are gathered here today for positive inspiration. We should all make a vow to follow Aida's example - to "forgive and forget", and to move on with sunshine and smiles in our hearts.
Please take a moment to remember those of our parish who have passed on this last week, and pray that their lives will not be in vain. We pray for the families and friends of those they left behind, and ask that they all continue their quest to encourage and assist the humans who continue to look for reasons and cures for the horrible diseases that have befallen these members of our community.
Please turn to your neighbors and pew mates and wag your tails or fluff your feathers as a sign of your commitment to everlasting peace and love.
The Ladies of the Leather Collar and the Knights of Clawumbus have joined together today and they invite you to a noon-time barbeque of spare ribs (ones that weren't needed, apparently), and Boston bulldog baked beans ("The musical fruit - the more you eat, the more you toot!", according to our Kindergarten class, anyway)
And here is the one from last week. Gosh, Mom is such a ditz these days. And she keeps falling asleep at her desk, or in her big leather chair, and one time....even started snoozing at a traffic light. I've taking to talking to her to the point she'd like to throttle me. But if it keeps her awake, I guess it's good.
OK..enough about that. Here's last weeks:
"Funk Day" - July 31, 2011
Welcome, welcome everyone. Boy, that week went fast, didn’t it?
Today was our “Funk Day”. That means that we give ourselves permission to be introspective, feel sorry for ourselves, pout a little if we feel like it, and nap whenever we choose, or watch movies all day. I kinda like Funk Day. No pressure, no stress. Tomorrow we are programmed to un-Funk, and get back on track.
God made the whole universe in 6 days and on the 7th, even he rested. Following his example, we rested on the 7th day, too. There’s a lot of good stuff in the Bible like that.
My secretary is still resting and I’m not having much luck in firing her up to take dictation tonight. I’m going to use something that I personally find inspirational. The original author is unknown, but several have tweaked it a bit and tacked their name onto it. This version is still anonymous, as far as we know:
People are often unreasonable, illogical, and self-centered;
Forgive them anyway.
If you are kind, People may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives;
Be kind anyway.
If you are successful, You will win some false friends and some true enemies;
Succeed anyway.
If you are honest and frank, People may cheat you;
Be honest and frank anyway.
What you spend years building, Someone could destroy overnight;
Build anyway.
If you find serenity and happiness, There may be jealousy;
Be happy anyway.
The good you do today, People will often forget tomorrow;
Do good anyway.
Give the world the best you have, And it may never be enough;
Give the world the best you've got anyway.
You see in the final analysis, It is between you and God;
It was never between you and them anyway.
Today I’m told we have some caramel kibble clusters at the treat table in the garden. The Kindergarten Puppies assembled them during their cooking class. They would be here to serve you but it takes a lot of soap and warm water to get caramel out of fur so they asked the Fachsie Dachsie Brownie Troop #411 to stand in for them. They hope you like your treats and you forgive their absence.
Please turn to your neighbors and wag your tails or fluff your feathers as a sign of peace and love.
Thank you for your continued presence at our Sunday Inspirational Services.
(PS - since this appeared I've been told it's originally from Mother Theresa and not to worry about being sued or anything. Mother Theresa would be happy that we got her word out!)
Mary-Margaret O'Brien
Lt. Chaplain - Yorkie Brigade Chapel
"Yorkie prayers are Angel's wishes!"
"Pups for PPL"
"A dog has lots of friends because he wags his tail and not his tongue." Anonymous
Monday, August 01, 2011
Dr V, Nicole and MEEEE

Last Friday we went to see Dr. V about some unexplained bump on me. I just LOVE LOVE LOVE going to visit Dr. "V" (Melanie Verreault). She's been my doctor since I was just a little tyke of only 9 weeks old. We go waaaaaay back. Every time we pull into her parking lot I start hopping up and down. People in her waiting room are very surprised at how excited I am. They say that their pups cringe and try to hide. Not me! I LOVE IT HERE! I am waiting patiently for Dr. V to come and give me a check up.

I am very healthy. Round, but healthy. I do have some bumps but Dr. V says not to worry. They are non-contagious doggy warts. I have one on the base of my tail at the end of my spine, one on my neck and one on my upper thigh on my left leg. They don't bother me at all, but Mom was thinking about fussing with them. She doesn't like to see stuff that doesn't belong.
The scale weighed me in at eleven pounds. Aaaack. And I'm on diet food, too. Dr. V took me in the back and re-weighed me. Yup! Eleven on the first scale, and ten point eight on the 2nd. We decided to go with the second reading. I hadn't pooped yet, so I'm thinking there's another few ounces that will be gone in an hour or so.
We visited for a while and had a conversation. I really got into it, very serious and all, but mostly got laughed at. I WISH I could form my words more clearly. Dr. V did understand that I wanted some water, though. I said "Please?", so she brought me a bowl. She set it down and I sniffed it all over. "This is not my bowl!", I said. Dr. V said she washed it really good, but still...I could smell other pups on it. I don't LIKE drinking from community bowls. I was trying to make my point by attempting to flip it over but both Dr. V and Mom said "NO NO NO!", so I didn't. Sulking, I decided it was better to drink some water than to go thirsty, so I had a little. But just a little, to be polite!
Also, when I got there, Nicole (who loves me more than anything in the whole wide world and I love her, too!) had a bag of treats on her desk. She knows what a puppy likes and who am I to crush her spirit, hmmmmmm? That's got to count for an ounce or two.

Here's Nicole and me just loving on each other. It's what we do. When I was a little baby she used to put me on her shoulders and I'd nap while she did stuff on the computer.
Good news, too! Amy, who used to be a vet tech at the old place before the Hills sold it, is now a real full-fledged vet. She got hired at the old place where I still get my shots and my health certificate. Dr. Gindi isn't there any more. I wonder where she went? She was pretty cool. But I have to tell you I just can't wait to get another shot or something so I can see Amy, except now I have to call her DOCTOR Amy!
Stop, Drop and (look before you) Roll!
Arrgh. What's that smell? Yuck. I can't quite reach it and it won't go away. Pups like to go out in the morning and do their rounds, which sometimes includes rolling and squiggling on our backs on the fresh dewy lawn. Well, this morning it was "dewy" all right - spelled "doo-ey".
Mom noticed there was some gunk on my right shoulder and it STUNK.. STANK?.. STINKED?..to high heaven. I get a sponge bath in the sink but I still stink. "What the....?", she mutters as she notices my tags are glued together. Oh, yup...that's poop on my collar and in my tags....also in my toes. Collar and tags are washed, toes, and just about every thing else is scrubbed. I'm drying now, still somewhat a pariah in my own house. NOTE TO SELF: Look before rolling!!
Happy Monday!!
Love, Mary-Margaret
(They don't call me "Stinky" for nothing!)
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