This is me and my mom, P-Nut and my Aunt Shelly at The Pantry. Aunt Vicki was taking the pictures. It was pretty funny when she was taking pictures and it didn't click or flash and everybody thought the camera was broken. Like...uh, people? It's in "movie" mode? True to form, though, these professional investigators figured it out in just a few minutes. Like....hello??
But let me go to the beginning. Tuesday, me and my mom went to GrandPapa's house. We helped him run "ear ends", you know, stuff that has to get done. First, it was lunch at Carrows, where we said "Hi" to all our friends that work there. Then, we got a really pretty lamp that looks like a votive candle to put next to my Grandma's picture. It's very respectful. We got Grandpapa some dark glasses clipper-ons, and we went to Bob's Market to buy some takeout for dinner.
Oh guess what? Hmmmmmmm? They FORGOT MINE! Yup. That's true. We got home and Grandpapa says "Oh oh!". But it worked out ok. I got some chicken pieces from a casserole, cheese, pasta, and it was good, but portion-wise, it just didn't cut it. Not very much, so I figured I'd tell the grown ups what I thought. I went and picked up my little pink dish and carried it all by myself into the dining room and stood there, looking a bit hopeful, until my Grandpapa took pity on me. It paid off big time. I got...(oh this is BIG YUMMY!)...PRIME RIB! That's right, folks, and dessert - my favorite - vanilla ice cream. Can't complain. Almost worth getting forgotten, huh?
Then we went to my Uncle Mike and Aunt Janet's house. And I got busted again. They finked me out. I now know better about the white carpet in the living room, so the last time I was there I found a very pretty flower garden in the form of a beautiful rug under their dining room table. It's taking me a bit, but I'm learning there's just NO PLACE in a house that won't be found. The only bright side was that my Uncle Michael thought it was absolutely hilarious about my Aunt Janet finding my "faux pas" with her bare feet. I thought he'd laugh all night. Yup. Aunt Janet didn't feel the same, though. Mom kept insisting that it couldn't possibly be me. That it must be the cat, Zooey, setting me up for a fall. Hey...I'll support that theory, too.

(double click on the picture to enlarge)
Here's me and my VERY GOOD FRIEND, P-Nut Daniel, and her mom, my Aunt Shelly. Doesn't P-Nut look really beautiful in her pink rhinestone glasses? And she gets her nails polished? Hmmmmmmm??? Our moms all hugged good bye and said that we should plan a play date. I'd really like that. Someplace where we can run around without clothes or uniforms, and get really stinky. That would be such fun.
That's all for now. Love you guys...REALLY!!
PS. I almost forgot. This is sooooo kewl. At CVS Pharmacy there was a lady with FIVE pups. A pit bull and four little ones. Nicholas Ryan was the pit, and the others all had two Irish names, just like MEEEEE. And they weren't on a leash, either. Their mom gave them directions, like "stop" (and they did), and "turn right" or "turn left" and they did. All in a pack at the same time. When their mom went into CVS, they ALL lay down on the concrete by the door and just watched and waited. Now THAT's really good training, I'd say. The kid named Frankie and the big guy, Nicholas, sorta forgot their manners and came to get to know me, but otherwise my Mom said they were absolutely PERFECT children.