Good morning, everyone. What a beautiful day it is today. May Day! Celebrated since pagan times by going out and gathering tree branches and twigs and flowers and decorating the houses or other buildings in town. The Roman Goddess of Spring, Flora, was celebrated from April 28 to May 3rd, and there have been numerous poems written about May Day, or "going a-Maying".
Here's one to think about from about 500 years ago:
- And furth goth all the Court, both most and lest
To feche the floures fressh, and braunch and blome
And namely, hawthorn brought both page and grome
With fresh garlandes, partie blewe and whyte …
(The Court of Love, first printed 1561, previously attributed to Chaucer)
So it is with joy and love in our hearts that we dedicate this day to the happy memories of those that have gone on to the bridge recently - To Cubby and Lexi and Lacey, and to Nickie (Nicholas, Duke of York). You may have other little ones that you want to send some happy thoughts along to brighten their day at the Rainbow Bridge.
Our guest speaker today is Sam Press who has composed a lovely eulogy to her beloved fur baby, Miss Sweet Pea Magnolia Press. Please welcome Miss Press to our podium. Sam?
(as Sam approaches the microphone there is a peaceful calm descending upon our congregation. A stillness prevails and sweet smiles are upon the faces of those present. They are thinking and remembering those they've lost, and they await the special tribute that Sam has prepared for Sweet Pea Magnolia)
Her name is Sweet Pea Magnolia Press. She was born on 7 May 1996 & it's been almost 15 years since this amazing ball of fluff entered my life. Sweet Pea was only 3 weeks old & weighed about 4 or 5 ounces when we first saw each other. 2 weeks later she came home with me to live.
Sweet Pea is my beloved Yorkshire Terrier. She arrived at a very sad time in my life...my oldest daughter had passed away & for over a year I'd felt numb. Sweet Pea had so much energy that soon she began to fill all the empty spots I had. Throughout the years, Sweet Pea taught me many things....but the most important was how unconditional love impacted all of our lives.
In happy times, sad times, good moods or not....Sweet Pea was always there with her wagging tail, endless kisses & "cuddle with me Mommie" attitude. Spoiling her was a natural thing to do. Than, one day, I noticed my precious Sweet Pea was not herself. It was then end of January, this year....just 2 days after my foot/ankle reconstructive surgery. Sweet Pea was very sick.....she had kidney failure. She looked up at me, while I was holding her, & asked me the only thing she had in 15 years....."Mommie love me enough to let me go...help me to Rainbow Bridge, it is time".
My beautiful Sweet Pea crossed to Rainbow Bridge the morning of 29 January 2011. She is back home with us now in a special Cedar chest & I talk to her everyday. This precious little girl helped me understand so much.....how to find joy all around, that we are all special in our own way & that we can get along with anyone if we really try. Thank you my darling Sweet Pea!
(warm applause fills the chapel, and some of the parishioners are sniffling or quacking quietly. Pawkerchiefs and tissues are passed, and slowly the attendees rise. A standing ovation is given to Miss Sam Press, and the warmth and love in the Chapel takes on a light of it's own)
(Mary-Margaret steps to the microphone and the parishioners take their seats)
Thank YOU, Sam, for that wonderful tribute to Sweet Pea Magnolia. I'm so glad you two had each other as long as you did. What better gift than the gift of love could you have given Sweet Pea Magnolia to carry with her on her trip to the bridge. Thank you again for sharing with us. What a wonderful way to celebrate today by giving us that "flower" of your memory. All of our happy and loving thoughts are like beautiful blooms to be gathered into everlasting bouquets, fragrant with love and kept alive in our hearts forever.
Please turn to your neighbors and wag your tails or fluff your feathers as a symbol of peace and love. Sister Chiquita and her troop of dancing Chihuahuas are still on a mission in the wilds of the Amazon and they expect to be gone until the end of summer. We will be enjoying Pupperoni and spring water in the beautiful flower garden today, courtesy of the Fachsie Dachsie Brownie troop #411. They have gone to great lengths to provide floral centerpieces on the serving tables to honor May Day with you.
Blessing to you all, and have a wonderful day remembering your special ones. Reflect on the joy that they brought into your life, and feel them dance in your heart today.
Thank you, Lord, for giving us the capacity and opportunity to love and to be loved.