Later Mom got all snuggled in bed maybe about 7:30 or so the phone rang and it was Candy's dad saying that they had come by our house to bring my mom some treats for being so nice. I said "Hello" to them out the window when they were here but I guess Mom thought it was someone delivering more flyers to our front door because she just kept saying "Shush" to me. She absolutely refuses to get her doorbell fixed and even if she does hear someone at the door she usually doesn't answer it unless she's expecting someone. Anyhow, Mom said "thank you" but she'd already gone to bed and really Candy is welcome here any time and no need to for them to bring her anything. Awwww...ain't she sweet?
I don't suppose it even occurred to her that there might be someone else in our house that would appreciate treats?
Your friend...
Miss Mary-Margaret O'Brien