Friday, April 14, 2006

My new friend, Jami

Being Good Friday and all, things tend to slow down. So Fidel, who works with us, called Mom to see if Jami and Michael (his son) could come and visit us. Well, you don't have to ask ME twice. "OF COURSE!", I said, and so did Mom. Michael and I hit it off right away, but Jami is a bit slow to warm up. be honest, she almost bit me. But Fidel says I shouldn't take it personally, and that it was probably because of my dress and not me. Heeeyyyy!! I LIKE my dress. I mean, who hasn't seen a dog in a dress before?

Anyway, here's Michael, Me (getting another tummy rub), Fidel and Jami (heading for the door).

I'm sure next time will go better, dont'cha think?

Love, Mary-Margaret

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can't believe you keep misplacing all your squeaky toys!!
I have a basket in the corner of Mum's room where I'm supposed to put my toys when I'm done playing with them (not that I'm very good at that I must confess), so maybe you need a special basket too. Of course baskets won't help much with your Uncle Rudy problem! I'm not sure how to advise you on that one.

Boy are you doing well with the tummy rubs though! I'm proud of you!

I had a terrible night yesterday, the storms were terrible and considering it was 80 degrees again today, I'm a little worried that we might have a repeat performance tonight.

Mum bought a new cell phone today so to add insult to injury, she was so busy 'playing' with HER new toy that I only got a 10 minute walk instead of my usual 25 minute one.

I think you and I are really having a rough time right now - do you suppose there's a full moon or something?

I hope you do find your ferret.

Love, Sarabi