You can tell this is the REAL Santa because he's actually listening to what I want for Christmas. I am thinking really hard because I want to make sure he gets it right. Remembering what means the most to me I said (after a pause), "WORLD PEACE!!"

That's what I want more than anything....even more than duck jerky! Oh....and that reminds me. My very good friend, Gina, was saying she's running out of her bag of treats. I must absolutely make sure that she has more. I think I'll take her some today or tomorrow or....soon, anyway.
Ah....You can tell where my head is all the time. Food. Except Pumpkin Bread. Whoa. Even without raisins it comes back up quicker than it goes down. What a mess, too. I was everly so embarassed, but Mom just cleaned me and my carseat up when we got to the post office and....oh? Too much information? Sorry...you KNOW how I get off track sometimes. Sorry again. Yes...I did ask for world peace. I probably shouldn't have mentioned the pumpkin bread. But I'm the one who wanted it in the first place. My bad! Someday, I'll learn.
I hope everybody got their wish for Christmas. We did. We spent Sunday with our FAMBLY!! I mingled, and Mom just enjoyed seeing everybody and watching them have a good time, which made her have a good time, too! She misses my sisters a whole lot, and her grandkids, and her grand dogs. Maybe next year they won't be so far away.
Love and licks....
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