I am not particularly happy. This was taken last Tuesday afternoon. Here's the thing.
About 11:30AM this guy comes to the office and tickles my tummy and then says (to Mom) "Let's go!". Huh? (I say) and what about MEEEE??? Mom and Shannon say "You stay here, Mary-Margaret! This is business!". Well, Excuuuuuse me? I work here, remember? I am the receptionist and Head of Puplic Relations, right? Hmmmmmm?
I am ignored and, as they walk out the door, Mom says "I love you and I'll be back in about two hours!". Oh, I am SOOOOOO broken by this. I sit by the door and sniffle a bit. Shannon says (and not particularly sympathetically, either) "Get over yourself, Mary-Margaret!". I am now completely crushed.
Maybe an hour into this pain of abandonment Shannon decides she needs to go across the hall. She opens the door just a crack, probably to sneak out on me, but by now I'm on to her game. I make a break for it and race down the hallway toward the double doors. She's yelling "YOU GET BACK HERE, YOUNG LADY!!", but I'm not going for it. She can't catch me. I am as quick as a rabbit, zigging and zagging down the hall.
Allstate Insurance opens their door to see what the commotion is all about. Hah! (I say) These people are my friends and they FEED me sometimes. I duck into their office and try to hide. Wait....oh, hello? They are NOT my friends when it comes to hiding from Shannon? I'll remember that next time they want a kiss from me. Phooey!!
So I get picked up, scolded, and plopped back on the floor in our office (after Shannon finishes her business across the hall), and I cry. Oh yes. I cry big alligator tears and I sigh, and I wait.
About 1:45PM I hear my mom .... she has a distinctive walk and I can also smell that it's her, not that she stinks in the literal sense of the word, but ...well, I'm NOT happy.
As soon as she sits down I am all ... like... pick me up? Please? So she does, and I dig my little fingerettes into her shoulder and I am NOT getting down come Helen Highwater. Not that I know who Helen Highwater is, but I hear her name a lot in this business. I digress.
I do believe that I made it perfectly clear that this treatment is NOT ACCEPTABLE. Nope. Not at all. And I sulked all afternoon to make my point, too.
It's Christmas Eve as I'm writing this and I'm over it. Yup....and I'm thinking about feeling happy and stress-less, and wishing you and everyone a relaxed, peaceful and loving Christmas.
All my love.....