One of the neighborhood kitties came by to welcome me home. Mom and me were still recovering from our trip so I wasn't allowed to go out and play. But maybe tomorrow? Oh, I hope so. Me and "Kitty" visited for a really long time. I explained who I was and where California was and we talked about the weather for a bit. I think it's mean that my mom won't let me outside today, don't you?
We had a really good trip mostly. Nice people every where. I have learned to use the ladies' room in the airport which makes the whole flight a lot LOT more comfortable for me. Mom's feet swell up everytime she flies. She says it's getting annoying. If her feet were painted yellow, they'd look like Daisy Duck feet.
We rented a silver Chevy-that-looks-like-a-PT-Cruiser. Cup holders are all in the wrong place and there's not enough of them (Mom says) but otherwise it's an OK car.
Tuesday we're driving to Brighton, New York to see my VERY good friends, Abbey Mia and Harper. Mom and Aunt Elaine are making plans so that us pups can spend some good quality time together without our moms looking at us all the time. Kids NEED privacy, you know?
And "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" to my cousin, Carter. He's EIGHT now. Boy, time just flies, huh? I remember him when he was only SIX and FIVE. Yup. We don't get to see that part of the family much, so we'll be a bit closer if we move to Pennsylvania. But that won't happen for a while. But they might move to South Dakota, maybe, so we'll still be way far apart. Good thing we have planes to ride on.
Keep your fingers cross that I get to play with "Kitty" tomorrow. I'd really like that.
Love, Mary-Margaret
You sure have been busy lately. I'm very curious about you using the ladies room. And let me make sure I understand your post....you actually like cats? If there was a cat outside my window I would bark my fool head off. And then I would bark some more!
Love and hugs,
Dear Twix - I like EVERYBODY. Oh sure, I bark at cats and I scratch the window glass and tell them to "Be afraid...be very afraid!". But it's just a game. Even my cousin, Zooey, likes me pretty much and HE'S FOURTEEN.
About the ladies room...here's how it goes: Mom waits for the "handicapped" stall which is really big and when we get inside she puts down my "piddle pad" and says (like...this part is embarrassing, but...) "Go Pee Pee", and I do. It's better than having to hold it for a gazumpty hours, you know?? Then she either folds up the piddle pad and puts it where Pampers go, OR if it's still pretty dry, she'll put it in a zip-lock baggie and I'll use it again later when we land. I'm a travelin' pup!
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