Wednesday, September 12, 2007

My Revolving Door

That's a metaphor for my life. Denise-from-down-the-hall isn't down-the-hall anymore. Something about not working well with someone and "poof", she's gone just like that. You'd think people would LEARN from us pups. The "Circle-Sniff" routine works really well, and then you flip on your back and don't say a word while the other pup sniffs your belly. Then you play fetch. Why can't people (hoomans) learn that? Well, so much for my goody-bearing buddy, Denise.

To all my dear DEAR friends who are hassling my mom about posting, I gotta tell you. She's totally brain dead by the time she gets home. She says it's like working a real job again. So far so good, and all our clients are really good sports to work with us. But we would do anything in the whole world for them and they know it. They just don't want to wear us out by asking too much.

Life is good. I'm learning to type so maybe I won't have to depend on my mom so much anymore. Ya think?'s past my bed time and even though I'm the one doing all the work, I just looked over at Mom and she's typing with her eyes closed and starting to snore. I better get her to bed while she's still mobile.

Love ya...

Later, guys.



Girl Girl Hamster said...

Oh no where did nice Denise go to?
Your mom sure sounds tired, you better get her to bed soon

~Girl girl

Lizzy said...

Sounds like your mom is pretty tired. Have a good night you 2!


Juno said...

Hello Mary-Margaret!! I finally find YOU!! I knew a very pretty pup signed up on my guestbook and I was looking for you until now. :) (I think I was using only one eye!!) Now I can say 'Thank you'!!

I like your blog. Would you mind to link your blog to mine? So you're only click away from my pc!

Have a good weekend!!
Momo xoxo

Anonymous said...

Hi all,
It is me...Denise-from-down-the-hall. I just wanted to say that even though I'm gone I will still come by to bring yummy treats to Ms. Mary-Margaret. She is such a wise young pup. Her analogy of rolling over was to the tee. Unfortunately, I can't be submissive to people that try to dominate my life financially and personally, when it starts to affect my friends outside of work I must cut the ties that bind and move along. Well, enough of that serious adult talk, I really wanted to let everyone know how blessed I feel to have met Mary-Margaret and thank her for giving me some happiness from down-the-hall. I promise to keep in touch.

Anonymous said...

Denise-from-Down-the Hall...I'll bet you are wonderful, keep your chin up and don't let the people who don't matter get you down (I had a better word for them, but figured I shouldn't say it here). We think you are great!!

Cooper and Chadwick