Mom and me worked today, but about 4:00PM she decided the air conditioning wasn't really helping a whole lot so she looks at me and says "You want to go to Puppy School, Mary-Margaret?" Well, er....ok! Sure. Who wouldn't want to go out into that 100° plus heat? So we get there a bit late and everyone is just laying around panting. Let's see. There was Sam the Golden Lab, Sammy the Welsh Corgi, Tripper the brown dog, Lucky the chihuahua-terrier mix, Missy the Shepherd and Daisy the Golden Lab (maybe?).
I get there and they WANT me. I mean, they REALLY come at me. So I do my back-flip thingy and get tons of tummy licks from every body. Hey, I mean it doesn't take a lot of energy to just lay there and get licked. It was cooling, to say the least. Then Sammy the Corgi decided he wanted me for his own. Now you KNOW how I am about commitment, but he was indefatiguable. He was kind of cute, too, but a bit too young for me. Still, finally I flipped over for him too. I'm really pretty easy to get along with.
Then everybody walked over to the water bowls. There were three really big ones out there. Little Lucky decided to go swimming in one, but he couldn't fit his whole body in at one time. So first, the front end. Then the back. He was having such a good time. Then Sam decided to get in on the fun, and then Daisy and Missy. Needless to say, I don't drink bathwater. So I stayed thirsty until I got home and then gulped down about half a bowl.
We stopped at the market and Mom strapped me into my pouch. It's funny, you know, about humans? They tend not to look at one another but just plow right on with their business. So it's really a surprise when someone notices that I'm there. We were all the way to the produce department and Cheryl (a new friend we met) starts chatting with Mom. Cheryl has a 12 week old Yorkie and wanted to know where Mom got the
front pouch carrier. She thought her baby would like one. Then we meet another Yorkie mom over in the butcher's section, and they get started. Yak yak yak, but I have to say that Yorkie people are a breed unto themselves. We're pretty lucky kids to be Yorkies, you know.
A couple of the checkers said "hi" to me. We've met a few times before, and pretty much everyone knows me. I really like shopping at Albertson's. They make great roast chicken and have really nice Yorkie people there. And their air conditioning works everly so well.
That's my day. I hope yours was as nice, and that you got to stay either wet or cool. The people next door had a big kid's party so I didn't want to go outside. Don't know what it is, but I'm just really uncomfortable being outdoors with a bunch of people making noise, so I turn around and race to get back inside. I'd rather use a piddle pad than to go out in my own yard when things are like that. Really I would.
Love, Mary-Margaret