Saturday, March 04, 2006

Kennel-Crate-Fort-Trap! (sigh)

Last night I had dinner in "fort" again, only this time just my toes were hanging in the free world. This morning, when my defenses were totally down, here's this saucer of cream cheese just sitting there. I swear I heard it call my name. I looked both ways...up and down....all around. Mom was busy at the kitchen sink. OK, I figured. OK...I'll see what happens. I put one paw in....then another.....then skootched my rear end inside. Oh YUM I LOVE CREAM CHEESE.

Well, guess what! Go on....guess! Wrong! NOTHING happened. Nothing at all. So a bit later, I look at the saucer inside the Kennel-Crate-Fort-Trap, and there's little pieces of STRING CHEESE on it. Oh my gosh....that's even better than cream cheese. I didn't even think twice about hopping inside. Again, nothing happens to me.

Maybe it's all in my head. After all, I am not an alligator. Why would anyone want to lock me inside? My imagination is getting the better of me, I think. Sarabi says it's actually called a "kennel" and SHE loves hers. Maybe I'm just being too suspicious here. Maybe it is a good place to be.

I'll keep you posted.

Happy Day, everybody! Mary-Margaret

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well, congratulations! You are not an alligator, but a little beauty who gets wonderful treats when she relaxes and enjoys her 'den.' (That's just ANOTHER word for kennel.)
Take care and I'm proud of you two,
Miss Lois