Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Back to Work Again

Whew! I've been so busy lately. Up early, and rush rush rush all day long. Yesterday, I spent all morning talking to people at the Honda dealership. The back door on our SUV keeps leaking when we go through the car wash, so Mom thought it needed a new seal. The service man told her that someone hit our car on the spare tire and bashed the door in enough to pop the top of the door away from the seal. It probably happened a couple of months ago, but you can't see it and the dent is under the spare tire. Now we have to go to a "body shop". I think I learned some new words but they sounded a lot like "grrrr" and "arf" to me, so maybe Mom learned them from me in the first place.

I made so many friends. I just love meeting people. When we went back to pick up our car, I met a little girl named "Gayla". We just had the best time playing while they were washing our car. I was so sad to leave.

Today, I woke up with a cough. Back to the doctor's again, and oh-lucky-me, Dr. V is there. I'm so glad I wore my green dress for her. She likes it, too. I was so busy being friendly with Dr. V and Amy and Esperanza, that I forgot to cough. Mom thinks I'm faking it just to go back to the doctor's office. Maybe I am...just a little bit. I do love them all so very much and don't mind visiting any chance I get. But just in case, Mom and Dr. V decided that I'm going to take my medicine for a few days. I've given up wrestling with Mom when she pokes that thing with the medicine in it at me. Now she just says, very matter-of-fact, "Open, Mary-Margaret!", and I do. I hate to admit it, but the stuff tastes pretty good to me now.

I weighed 3.6 pounds today. I've gained a whole 1/2 pound in just one week. But then, I just ate a big breakfast, so maybe that's part of it. I go back again on the 18th and I'll let you know just how big I am then.

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